There! You're right, sorry for not trying that, but it felt far fetched that just import/delete a new skeleton would change anything, he he :sweat:
There is also, together with the problem you said da mage, a problem with the head not being positioned like the Blender image.
EDIT: I just compared your skeleton to the vanilla skeletonbeast.nif, using Nifskope. I compared the skeletons, as they exist, in "rest pose'" (base, unanimated pose) - which is how the skeleton should be exported for use in creatures and player races. Virtually all of your skeleton's bones, have different Translation and Rotation values than their respective counterparts of same name, in the skeletonbeast.nif. So the skeleton in the Blender scene seems very "dirty", I guess is the best way to put it. What you need, is to work with a skeleton, whose "vanilla"-based bones have same Translation and Rotation data as the vanilla skeletonbeast.nif. It's ok for your "winged" skeleton to have extra bones, like for wings, and such...but any bones in the winged skeleton, that also exist in the vanilla skeleton, need to have the same Translation and Rotation data in Block Details, in Nifskope. Do you have the original "winged" skeleton you are using, BEFORE it is imported into Blender to be animated? If so, open it up in Nifskope, and then open up the vanilla skeletonbeast.nif in a second Nifskope window. If you go to "Block Details" for each bone of same name, between the two windows for the different skeletons, and see if the Translation and Rotation data is different between the two skeletons for those bones. If so, then you have a bad skeleton to begin with, and need to find an undirty one. Once you find a "clean" skeleton, import it into Blender, and redo your pose, then re-export your animation.
Previously written stuff below, but see above paragraph first!I hope I make sense today; I feel a little under the weather:
For your "Winged" skeleton that you are using, you need to make sure the Bip01, Bip01 NonAccum, and Bip01 Pelvis nodes/bones, have their "Translation, Rotation, and Scale" data match the ones of same name in the vanilla "skeleton.nif". I don't know how to fix this issue in Blender, and I just spent the last couple of hours trying to figure it out... so I suggest using Nifskope to manually change the data of those two bones.
Next, import that newly NifSkoped skeleton, delete the original skeleton in the Blender scene, and rename the newly imported skeleton, to "Scene Root" (and not "Scene Root.00", or whatever other name it imports as). You might have to rename it under in the fields under that "square" icon, and the "three arrow" icon fields.
Then try reexporting your animation using the newly imported skeleton. See if it plays fine in the CS and in the game.
Also, something to note is this:
Specifically, in regards to animation kfs : "Actually the X and Y positional -> but not rotational -> data needs to be on the Bip01 node and the Bip01 NonAccum needs to have the Z positional and all rotational data." -SaidenStorm
As for the helmet issue, try deleting the Armature "modifier" on the helmet. Do CTRL+A on the helmet to "Apply Scale & Rotation". Then repose the helmet to proper pose. Then re-add that Armature modifier, and name that modifier to "Ob: Scene Root" and unclick "Envelopes" on it (I think).