I'm frequently amazed that people get so worked up over a little thing like gaming. Or "fun hobbies" in general. But hey, maybe I'm just a relaxed kind of guy.
As for "slowly beginning to go for a casual audience" (whatever "casual audience" really means - there was a long "what is this casual thing" thread over in Community that didn't come to any conclusions)..... people have been saying that about Beth for several games now. So it'd be kind of hard to say "beginning", if one holds that position.
By it's very nature, "AAA game development" and/or games that sell millions-to-tens of millions of copies? Are targeted at a mass audience. So yeah - they're not aiming at some super-niche cadre of True Fans who feel that they're Owed Something. Just as they weren't with Skyrim, or Fallout 3, or Oblivion.
(Personally, I find the whole "casuals" insult to be a silly. Word means different things for different people/groups - like, the industry def of "casual gaming" isn't the same as forum goers. And for some, it's just become a stereotyped, meaningless, "hip" insult. Blame it on the casuals/atheists/liberals/"hollywood elite"/whatever. Throw away all critical thought to just sling empty phrases at things you don't like....... meh, no thanks.)
Well, all the companions in all their games have had specific names, so not sure what that's worth. "Cannot die" is a general thing they've done for a couple games now, has nothing to do with that specific companion. And "railroaded"..... well, if "gives you the chance to interact with an NPC, and the option to take it with you as a companion" is "railroading".... not sure what to say. (ie, why are you assuming that you're forced to take the dog as a companion? Given that there's other companions, and you can only have one at a time, I'd think that you can leave the dog behind.)
1. It's just a game.
2. It's just a cute little tradition to have a dog named "Dogmeat" in that Just A Game series.