EGM'S ini files and the their configuration:
Here is a short excerpt on configuring EGM through the ini files and the confiuration menu.
Lets start with EGM's first configuration file, the "egm_config.ini".
First is the features section, where you can select/deselect certain features on EGM to be used or not in-game:
; *****************************************************************************
; Feature Settings
; *****************************************************************************
; Food/Thirst
; *****************************************************************************
set egmV.bFood to 1
set egmV.bWater to 1
set egmV.bDish to 1
; *****************************************************************************
; Encumbrance
; *****************************************************************************
set egmV.bEncumb to 1
; *****************************************************************************
; Jump
; *****************************************************************************
set egmV.bJump to 1
; *****************************************************************************
; Blurrr..
; *****************************************************************************
set egmV.bBlur to 1
; *****************************************************************************
; Luck
; *****************************************************************************
set egmV.bLuck to 1
; *****************************************************************************
; Faint
; *****************************************************************************
set egmV.bFaint to 1
; *****************************************************************************
; Sound
; *****************************************************************************
set egmV.bSounds to 1
To disable a feature, just set it to 0, to enable set it to 1. Best gameplay experience is provided with all features activated, because the mechanics cooperate a lot.
Some features offer more settings in their subsection, which allows to activate certain aspects or alter them for different gameplay experience.
The "settings" section is correlated to EGM's second configuration file, "egm_GMST.ini".
Best description is, that these settings alter certain Oblivion vanilla game settings ( described in egm_GMST.ini), which werent properly set.
This settings are called Oblivion "Game Settings", therefore the abbreviation GMST, all settings are part of your vanilla Oblivion, but most likely with unbalanced values.
The "egm_GMST.ini" delivers the altered values to EGM. You can choose to use these settings or which not to, in order to provide best compatibility.
; *****************************************************************************
; Settings
; *****************************************************************************
set egmV.bSettings to 1
set egmV.bNoSettingsUseDefaults to 0 ;0
With the first switch "egmV.bSettings" you determine to use these settings or not. With the second switch you determine what values
to use for the two most important fatigue game settings, in case the first switch "egmV.bSettings" is set to 0 (== disabled).
The nextion section is called "Configuration", because it provides switches for general EGM related settings.
; *****************************************************************************
; Configuration Settings
; *****************************************************************************
set egmV.bUseOMOBS to 1
set egmV.bUseDPCA to 1
These are self explainable, use them if you want to use egm_GMST.ini for best compatibility.
Recommended for both, OMOBS and Duke Patricks Combat Archery.
set egmV.bMessages to 1 ; 1
set egmV.bStatusMessages to 3 ; 1
set egmV.bPerson to 0 ; 0
Also self explainable, this settings determine if messages show up in game (some still have to, even if this is set to 0)
, in what person they talk towards you, and where or how status message are shown per action
set egmConf.vConfigurationKey to 65 ; 65
set egmConf.vInfoKey to 184 ; 184
Two important keys, the first for the configurration menu, the second for the status messages.
The values equal to their DirectX Scancodes explained here: ( Dont put just the key in...)
The status messages determine where the Food related status messages are displayed,
if you put them onto a certain key, that show the status when pressed, or if they always show up when opening the inventory or EGM's configration menu.
set egmInit.bInitValuesfromFile to 1 ; 0
this one needs some explanation, because it is influenced by how Oblivion manages savegames.
Every savegame contains all variables or their values, of all activated mods and vanilla oblivion itself. All mods that were activated and used when you saved the game.
If you provide no ini file for configration, Oblivion will always use this values at initialisation process when reloading a saved game.
You can easily change some settings via the configuration menu, per default key F7. The altered settings will be saved with the next savegame, and still be valid when reloaded.
If you forget to save the altered values are gone, and must be set from new.
If you do not want this behaviour, your can set "egmInit.bInitValuesfromFile" to 1, and activate it.
Then each reload all variables/values are always initialised from the two EGM ini files, egm_config.ini and egm_GMST.ini. (per default every upgrade or new installation does initialize this way)
You are able to control every feature of EGM in detail, by setting them explicitly in the ini files.
set egmV.bDebug to 0 ; loads of debug messages...
is self explanatory, only use them for feedback or if you are in doubt that EGM does all what it pronounces.

The Configuration menu also offers a "reload ini values" - option.
In case you are using the first initialisation process, which loads variables and their values always from savegame (after a first initialization),
you now are able to "reset" all values to their correspondent from the ini-files.
Just dont forget to save the game after using this option, or the changes are gone with the next reload.