Some questions about the Shinji feature.
I like the idea of being rewarded for traveling light. My current character is a thief-like character, not very strong or wise, but fast and agile. Using default INI values and carrying minimal equipment, my level 14 char qualifies for the novice Shinji bonus. At zero encumbrance, he reaches advanced shinji, but no more. I am curious why you factor willpower in your equation instead of, say, athletics or strength? Despite all his time in prison, my character doesn't seem any wiser! Leveling willpower is not a role-playing priority. It seems to me willpower is more a trait for spellcasters, but they have spells to compensate, true? Aside from that, what are the minimum level requirements to qualify for the next two stages? Lastly, the reflect damage bonus is not something I would favor. Again, it is magical reward while the mod itself is focused upon the physical. Wouldn't speed, acrobatics or something like that be a more logical reward for traveling light?
Hi Smoke Eater,
what is wrong? the question about what to give the player and what to take, is very subtle.
The mechanics I picked, were partially my thought about how to extend them. the basics are really set up by MRE.
Willpower does indeed make sense for this bonus system, which is only part of 3 mechanics goin with shinji.
The shinji threshold is the value, at which you enter the lightweight condition, called Shinji from Gaiden Shinji.
This threshold is influenced by athletics and endurance!
the shinji condition imposes bonuses in skills and attributes to the player, this is also according to MRE. says "Willpower is the governing attribute for Alteration, Destruction, and Restoration."
These improvements are based on lightweight condition, and affects:
- Acrobatics,
- Agility,
- Athletics,
- Sneak,
- Speed.
All values do influence the players movement mechanics.
Of course you could say, the better factor would be Alteration then,
but this skill is focused on the the physical world, including weight alteration. (fyi alteration does influence the ability based fatigue bonuses based on encumbrance conditions)
Now comes the clue, Willpower does more. The following is the formula from
# Fatigue = Willpower + Agility + Endurance + Strength
Willpower is the only mental attribute influencing Fatigue. and shinji condition imposes less fatigue loss, thus improving the above attributes is best reflected by willpower.
if you transform the formula to willpower you have
willpower = fatigue - ( agility + endurance + strength)
Now you see why willpower is the attribute to use for calculations of the bonus value set on the attributes and skills.
What you meant is intelligence! Willpower is best described as a mental strength, giving your char a chance for attaining better bonuses.
The only somehow irregular correlation you could argue, is between the shinji encumbrance ratio and willpower, by which the amount of the bonus applied is determined.
but not if you look at the transformed formula!
the last mechanics flanking shinji, is the alleviation based on the amount of the bonus applied. this amount determines one constraint to reach the 4 shinji stages.
the bonus amount applied is determined dynamically, and always updated, the less encumbrance and the more willpower you have, the higher is the bonus applied.
and each shinji stage does have a threshold, which gives you an additional bonus when entered.
Therefore you are only able to reach the highest shinji stage if you went through all other stages.
the other constraint is the players level. shinji stage 2 is lvl 10, shinji stage 3 is level 20, shinji stage 4 is level 35.
each shinji stages empowers you with spell effects, but as constant abilities! reflect damage is one. simply, because its most useful for light armored actors in weapon based combat.
if you have any suggestions about shinji empowering spells which suit better, just post them!
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