Extended Game Mechanics (version 2.01 Beta)Update 2.01 Beta: (lucky charms release)
- added new feature, dynamic Luck
- altered Bad Condition Spells Sickness, BadThirst, Damage Effects have been replaced by Drain effects
- altered Shinji/Slight Threshold Calculations
- Vampire Check in Food system should provide players better compatibility when playing as a vampire
- Jump mechanics for Vampire condition altered
- every Pant sound can be replaced now
Ok, lets start from beginning.
The new possibility to add your own Pant sounds:
In order to use them, drop them in the following directory with the given name ----> \Oblivion\Data\Sound\fx\egm\ ....
EGM detects them automatically, if they are not present, standard Pant sounds will be used:
egm_fxPantDrown1.wav to egm_fxPantDrown4.wav
egm_fxPantMale1.wav to egm_fxPantMale4.wav
egm_fxPantFemale1.wav to egm_fxPantFemale4.wav
The Shinji / Slight Encumbrance Threshold was altered:
Shinji Threshold is determined by the following formula:
ShinjiCalcBase + ( WillPower * 0.25 + Athletics * 0.75 ) / ShinjiCalcDivisor )
Slight Encumbrance Threshold is determined by the following formula:
SlightCalcBase + (Endurance * 0.5 + Strength * 0.2 + Agility * 0.3) / SlightCalcDivisor )
The BadThirst and Sickness spells had a quirk, both used the damage type on the abilites, now the correct type Drain has been used,
thus the reduced values will return to normal when the spells wear off.
Dehydration Spell still remains the same, and uses Damage Type.
The handling of Vampire condition in the food system has been altered, mostly regarding the entry and exit of this condition. The Fatigue related values will update properly now.
Also the Jump abilites for Vampires were improved.
The new feature: Dynamic Luck!
Did take this long, but I really wanted that. Vanilla mechanics treat the luck with value 50 as fifty/fifty, this is still valid.
But there is no Luck raise anymore, every raise is handled by the new mechanics and influences your Luck differently.
Luck generally stays at 50, but alters from time to time, on a principally random basis.
There are some events that are goin to raise your luck, and some who wont.
These events wear off after some time, but they are likely to influence the random Luck progress significantly.
The Luck feature is also still Beta, and It will take some steps to alter it further, to find the right balance,
currently it really should alleviate your luck in general, but everyone can have a bad day.
If anyone wonders what exactly Luck does, here an explanation from www.uesp.net:
"Luck governs no skills directly, nor does it boost your skills over 100. However, it affects just about everything in the game. A luck value of 50 means that nothing goes for you or against you. Luck above 50 influences events in your favor. Luck below 50 influences events against you."
Luck modifies all your skills (except Athletics and Acrobatics) behind the scenes as follows:
SkillModifiedByLuck = SkillInQuestion + ( ( fActorLuckSkillMult * Luck ) + iActorLuckSkillBase )
With default settings the formula goes as follows:
SkillModifiedByLuck = SkillInQuestion + ( 0.4 * (Luck - 50 ) ) <== Bad Luck decreases your skillz!
In other words, a skill is increased by 40% of however many points of Luck you have over 50; e.g., for a Luck of 60, influenced skills are increased by 4 (40% of 10) skill levels (skill points). These luck boosts do not grant the skill perks if the hidden bonus pushes you to the journeyman, expert etc. ranks.
A neat explanation!
Instead using a combat modification, I decided to use the Luck value. I hope this was a good decision.
Pls post any comments, especially this feature should be well done just as it does influence nearly everything.
Ok, have fun!!