Different game mechanics from Total Fatigue Effects (TFE) and More Realistic Encumbrance (MRE) have influenced Extended Game Mechanics, however EGM is not 100& adopted, but completely rewritten to enforce speed, accuracy, compatibility and fault tolerance.
What are Game Mechanics you now may ask?
Game Mechanics are the algorithms or functions on which your characters stats in-game are based, or calculated. Every step you take game mechanics update your character values by calculating them on provided functions and data, like Abilities, skills or location. Oblivion vanilla didnt implement all mechanics it could have. Fatigue was completely put aside, making it really unessential, Encumbrance didnt have much inluence at all, furthermore your overencumbered character couldnt move anymore.
For example the vanilla formula for fatigue is:
fFatigueReturnBase + (Endurance * fFatigueReturnMult) with default values 10 for fFRB and 0 for fFRM. You can see were this leads to.
EGM extends this limits, while it is highly configurable, without loosing the vanilla mechanics which are implemented.
Jumping, Encumbrance and fatigue mechanisms will offer a sophisticated gameplay, additionaly your character is going to demand food.
fFatigueReturnBase is now as it says a base value, delivering the Base Fatigue Return Rate per sec.
- fFatigueReturnBase is only influenced by your PC's physical condition regarding food.
- Too less and you will starve, too much and you will get sick. (getting hungry at Strength 35 will take app. 15 - 20 hours gametime, extra timescaler modiefier for high timescalers is added to preserve gameplay compatibility)
- what Food is actually , will be determined by OBSE's isFood function.
- How much food your character requires will be determined by the Strength ability.
- different conditions like sleep/wait or active are taken into account and have iddferent food requirements.(sleep/wait will slow down the need for nutrition, the longer you sleep the more likely it is you get hungry after waking up).
- each races is going to have its favorite dish, currently 4 races are done, Khajiit, Argonian, Cute Elves, and Imperial.
fFatigueMult is completely altered by Encumbrance mechanics.
- your encumbrance will have most influence on your fatigue return ratio from endurance
- Also the algorithm for determining Ability based fatigue effects from realistic leveling is included, and taken into account.
- EGM provides 4 Encumbrance levels, all with their unique penalties, and 4 Shinji Levels, which have level condition minimums.
- Other bonuses on attributes and skills being applied in MRE have been preserved or extended like strength.
- Overencumbrance will lower your strength now, as its meant to be used for your overload weight, but your character will be able to move further, encumbrance limit is your strength available, but ecpect heavy fatigue loss.
- Better Athletics will defer the Encumbrance penalty on your Fatigue Return Rate up to 2x shinji base (athletics /shinji divisor).
- Every little pounds counts, regrdless you are overcumbered or not
- Negative Ability Based Fatigue effects do count fully, postive Ability Based Fatigue are counted against any fatigue return rate if not overencumbered (app. 25% to 10% depending on your shinji base)
Jumping was too static, sometimes too high, sometimes too low for me.
- every jump now is calculated on your current characters strength and encumbrance
- calculation is based on real world gravity (9.81g).
- fjumpHeightMax isnt static anymore, it will increase with your strength, but the amount it does decreases.
just try it, jump overencumbered, then drop the stuff and do a higher jump!
Faint and Blur:
As it says, Blur delivers Exhaustion effects and Panting sounds, many thanks to Mentalor and his MRE Blur. His blur code is outstanding and wasnt altered much.
Also faint, delivers the PCs collapse, free from any animation bugs, like in MRE or DPCA. (Character collapses and stands up in a sudden, looks like a broken animation chain. this is due the different code this mods use, many thanks to tejon as he was providing this algorithm).
Installation: -- requires OBSE 0018 b6 --
Its a OMOD file, just use OBMM, and dont forget to configure the egm_config.ini and egm_GMST.ini.
Standard values should be ok, DPCA and OMOBS are recommended, and should be configured in the egm_config.ini by setting the two switches.
Other Fatigue and encumbrance mods should be deinstalled, as this one completely manages this game mechanics.
Load order currently would be best after real sleep extended, but also after Bashed patch should be ok.
these values shouldnt be touched by any other mod:
My aim is to evaluate the code further and make changes where necessary. this wont be a one-time release, I will try to stick with the mod and implement improvements you suggest
(at least those which can be done in days, not years!

Any help is very welcome! I hope this mod will be improved and evaluated further by community. many thx to all other modders for their incredible work!

Currently I am trying to add Panting animations, but I seem to get stuck in Idle Animation Traps, making me nutz. Really, could give this mod further to add the visual freshness it needs.!!

Also I am adding other races and the fav dish, setting bonuses on them which will help especially lower characters.
And if possible, perhaps some high level char palyers are able to evaluate on the mechanics, my char is still low in skills and attributes.