I did see that and I can appreciate the fact that we are getting closer to E3, but the info you guys are referring to is not new, we saw this interviews questions over a wk ago and my gripe is still valid, they are not giving us new info, they are just rehashing the same stuff, some little things get dropped of course, but nothing that should work us into lathers, and discussions leading to pages and pages of discussions, it just shows what nerds we are and I do say we because I am one of the biggest lol, I am actually breaking out in hives over the lack of content being released since the first mention of skyrim wks ago, It is not a flood of info I desire, It is a steady trickle I need, we are being too understanding I believe, this of course is JMO
I see...I didn't see those a week ago.

I think you and I are coming at it from different places too. I know I'm hanging here for a bit but I really don't want to know too much. I want to find it for myself when I play. It's going to be an exciting 6 months and an almost unbearable 7th month.
