I have been flabbergasted by the jesters in the recent batch of interviews. The sheer irrelevance and redundancy of most of the questions asked is astonishing. If only they had randomly picked one of us forumnites to conduct the interview...
Todd, I guess it comes with the job.
Like I said, Geoff works for GTTV, which he needs to ask questions to let those that may not know anything about the game, what the game is all about. Not to mention, Geoff's interview strategy is usually ask an obvious question, then a more in depth question, then an obvious question and then a more in-depth question again. Look what he got out of Todd, he got Todd to confirm we can breathe fire (which if you have kept your eyes on the forums since the GI mag, it was all but confirmed, but the "jester" got it confirmed and also got Todd to reveal that they will be showing more shouts and show us factions at E3. Seems like he did a good job to me.