you only gain health at level up and that is from your base endurance.
End affected the amount of XPs, at level up, in FO3. That is not he case in FONV. The listed formula is
95 + ( Endurance x 20 ) + ( Level x 5 )
You gain +5 each level, no matter your Endurance. In other formulas, it is listed as ( Base [ whatever ] ) and not just ( Whatever ), when the base, applies to the formula. Using Buffout, not only increases your HPs by 60, but it also increases End by 3.
You gain the benefits of added health, up to 10 End. The Bramin-Skin Outfit should net an extra 20 HPs when worn.EDIT :
I just popped Buffout. My base End is 9 it raised it to 10 and my HP jumped up 65 points.EDIT 2 : It does not increase the health. My base HPs are 305. The Buffout only raised it the given 60. Thus the formula IS from the BASE amount and NOT just the total Endurance level, from added effects.