All right, we're back. Looking forward to this game, but I'm still hoping that this time there will be other activities to do especially when in cities and towns. I'm talking stuff like card games, gambling and contests like archery, hand-to-hand fighting (friendly or not). I know the arena in oblivion is close but its not quite enough. Red Dead Redemption went some way to adding these activities around the place, which was good, but I'd love so much more to see it in an elder scrolls game. Bethesda, just come up with a few unique games for Tamriel and throw in some contests that test physical and mental acuteness, which are advertised for certain days at a certain place. Oh yeah, and i never played Daggerfall (unfortunately), but the festivals idea sounds cool, and wouldn't go astray if included again.
But still, keep up the good work. Love these games. (Red Dead way overrated I say

) Eight months is too long...