This thread is about exploring extreme builds.
That is to say a build where all the SPECIAL points at start are going into just three of the SPECIAL stats. None of this, 4,4,4,4,4,4,4 !
I pay tribute to the wonderful thread by 'Liam Ford' (,, where some of these ideas originate, but I don't want to disrupt that thread with this somewhat different matter.
I'd like to see which extreme builds look to be viable and describe how they would play out. The principle is to spread all 21 available SPECIAL points among 3 attributes (7 points each) to make a 8,8,8,1,1,1,1 build. It will be left for skill books/bobbleheads to bring SPECIAL to 10, which is why the increases are up to 8, not 10. These are not 'jacks of all trades', advantages are certainly balanced with issues.
As these builds are focused in three trees it's quite likely important to pick up vital SPECIAL points and perks in other trees early in the game, all these builds propose is a very pure and focused starting point.
Here are some I've picked on to start with, updating the OP with other thread suggestions. In each case I've given it a build name, a play approach and levelling suggestions (we can add perk preferences once better known).
I've initially categorised by three types of synergising builds: Close combat builds, favouring Strength and Endurance [SE], Sniper builds favouring Perception and Agility [PA] and 'Smarts' builds favouring Charisma and Intelligence [CI].
Close Combat builds
(based on Strength and Endurance)
- Bruiser
SPE - Strength, Perception, Endurance (all at 8)
Close order weapons and melee, tough, strong and environmentally aware. Can play this as melee only. Either way, this player will not be talking their way out of anything, it's clobbering time! Levelling will happen more slowly, but the body count should compensate for that.
- Blaster
SEA - Strength, Endurance, Agility (all at 8)
Close order weapons and melee, tough, strong and with sneak and high action points (if inaccurate). Can play this as melee only. Again, no talking their way out of anything, it's close combat. Levelling happen more slowly, relying on multiple kills for XP.
Sniper builds
(based on Perception and Agility)
- Smart sniper
PIA - Perception, Intelligence, Agility (all at 8) Setokaiba
Clever with strong VATS accuracy and action points. Endurance favours close order weapons such as shotgun.
- Lucky Sniper
PAL - Perception, Agility, Luck (all at 8)
This is a ranged weapon specialist favouring VATS and taking out foes before they reach you, with high luck to enhance the collection of gear and critical attacks where required. High Stealth keeps them out of trouble and out of close combat. Levelling could either favour intelligence/charisma to further avoid close fights or Strength/Endurance to survive them.
Charming Scientist builds
(based on Charisma and Intelligence)
- Sneaky Smarty
CIA - Charisma, Intelligence, Agility (all at 8) nibblesps4 & TheCheshireKhajiit
?Sneaky and smart, with high sneak and more VATS points in case of trouble. Strong hacking and persuasion out of combat. Levelling may need to address Perception early as high VATS will initially lack accuracy and so will not favour sniping. This is an evade, hack past, talk past or shoot and duck build.
- Cunning linguist
CIL - Charisma, Intelligence, Luck (all at 8).
A build to simulate a smart, articulate (and very lucky dweller who just survived a nuclear war) but who is weak after 200 years of 'suspension'. They will try to talk their way out of situations, rely on companions and hack past threats. Their high luck will enhance loot collection as they level quickly (addressing their extreme weakness) and better criticals when they really need them.
- Pack Rat boffin
SCI - Bit of a strange build, high Strength suggests close combat, but with no Endurance, Perceptive or Edurance, this is a 10 stone weakling. Could run this is a Pack Rat.
Mixed builds
(other builds, not necessarily synergised, but interesting)
- Shotgun smarty
PEI - Perception, Endurance, Intelligence (all at 8) Setokaiba
A real mixture. Clever and and an accurate shot. Endurance favours close order weapons such as shotguns & flamers, but lower action points and weak in melee combat.
- Pacifist
ECA - Endurance, Charisma, Agility (all at 8)
The ultimate combat avoidance build. High endurance because people will try to kill you. High sneak and high charisma for talking round and sneaking round problems. High VATS points will allow you to shoot them in the leg (not fatally) whilst escaping. Could level with some Perceptive and Luck to further facilitate your escape ability.
What other extreme SPECIAL builds or different definitive play styles do you think would be interesting?