extreme case of freezecrashing

Post » Mon May 06, 2013 12:27 am

so i′ve installed tons of mods lately, well over 60 and it′s always been working great. i′ve got a lot more fun out of my game and i enjoy it very much. but today something disturbing happened to my game. i was on an other mod install spree, and installed probably 20-30 mods before entering the game (i know, im a [censored]). and now, the game either keeps loading for centuries when trying to enter save, or it crashes everytime i die/enter a building/other random stuff. this is extremely annoying.

i use nexus mod manager, always has, but its hard for me to troubleshoot, mainly becuase i didnt install these mods 1 by 1 to be sure. more like 20 by 20. again, i know im an idiot :(

so i ran BOSS and it says everything is ok. it did a whole lot to my load order, it also removed SkyUI from it. a mod i cant play without! so i entered the game without skyui, and it still crashes. i then reactivated skyui. i′ve since then tried and deactivated all the mods i installed today, and yet, still crashing. im getting tired of this ****, and i really need help.

since im a noob and new to modding, i thought you might be able to help me out :smile:

i also cant alt-tab out when its loading...svcks

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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 6:35 am

Let them load up and see how much physical and virtual memory you are using. Skyrim like most games is 32-bit. It can use 2 GB of physical RAM and then fill up virtual RAM. It could be you are just hitting virtual memory hard and it is much slower.

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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 12:32 pm

So your game's freezing? I'd recommend warming it up.

Terrible joke done for the day. I'm done. See ya tomorrow.

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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 12:15 am

Welcome to the forums :hehe:

First, for mod specific questions, there's a http://www.gamesas.com/forum/183-skyrim-mods/

It can be handy for troubleshooting purposes to include a list of the mods you're running.

You can enable the Papyrus Log which can also be helpful - instructions are listed in the first post of http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/703954-are-you-having-constant-exterior-ctds-ive-finally-found-your-solution/.

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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 4:47 am

since patch 1.9 ive had similar issues. make sure you delete the xbox system casche often, every day at least, and quit the game every couple hours to check system cAsche cuz ive noticed it can sneak back in duiring gameplay and cause freezes too. try to play no more than 5 hours at a time with a 20 or more minute break of shutting the machine off so it can cool down and rest then start it back up. try unplugging from the xboxlive if you have that or from internet. i have xboxlive and if im unplugged from it the frame rate is better and doesnt freeze up near so much.

id like to point out that prior to patch 1.9 i had never cleared my xbox system casche because i never had freezing issues leading me to seek out the cause and solution. now i clear the system, casche and i still get daily freezes, just not as often. if i dont clear the casche they happen ever 10 minutes. if im plugged into xbox live and dont cleart the casche they happen every 2 minutes. plus the framerate as i play is in constant lag. but unplugging from xboxlive and clearing casche solves almost all new lag issues and greatly diminishes frequency of freezes. i am honestly worried about the freezes damaging my xbox longterm. i do not know if all xbox users exoperience this problem or how often it occurs on other platforms. i do not understandf why this is suddenly an issue but at least there are a few things can be done for now.

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louise tagg
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 9:49 am

The OP is on PC

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danni Marchant
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 2:06 pm

OP-Try deactivating all of the new mods you just installed. Play the game to see if it still crashes running just your old mods, then reactivate the new mods one at a time and see if each one causes the game to crash. It might take awhile but is probably the easiest way to get through it. Out of curiousity, which new mods did you start using?

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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 9:00 am

Quick question, are you by chance running Warzones?

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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 2:56 am

What's wrong with this picture?

@OP : You are correct. You shouldn't go on a willy-nilly install spree. That is poor practice. Furthermore, you should post your load order. You can do this easily by clicking the 'Export" button in the column left of your Load Order screen, in NMM. There is an option to copy to clipboard.

Paste that in a post and wrap it in spoiler tags, so it isn't displayed as a huge wall of text.

We can go from there.

And yes... Hit the report button, under your avatar and ask a moderator to move this to the mod forum.

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Batricia Alele
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 1:55 am

im not running warzones, no.

entreri, i already tried that, nothing happened.

heres my system specs:

256gb ssd

gtx 670 4gb

16gb ram

i5 3750k

nothing wrong there.

i actually just now tried deactivating all the mods i have, and then carefully reinstalling them. it all worked out until 10 minutes ago when ii just wouldnt let me walk around at falkreach or whatever its called (southwest corner of map). fortunately, i save a lot, so no saves lost at all. i also back up all the time. the mods i know are bad for me is these:

character creation overhaul

even better quest objectives

these are the ones causing massive loading screens. but right now, i got rid of that, im having crashes.

can it be anything like this:


dirty mods? technically speaking of course

i cant think of anything else... :-/

thanks so far guys, and sorry for poor placement of thread:(

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Emily Rose
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 5:43 am

right now theres a certain road i cant cross. its 30M east of the dungeon "south Shriekwind bastion". theres a wolf. its very close to falkenreach...when i try to go up that hill it just crashes immediatly. thats the only problem i have atm. i just raided 2 dungeons with no problems, even when i died. its just that hill. and theres a red dragon and a powerfull wall of words up there, i know it. i want!!! :(

oh, heres my load order after BOSS. now it crashes at startup:

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elliot mudd
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:54 pm

That Bashed Patch should be at the bottom and those water mods will conflict.

What did you make that bashed patch with? Or is that a Merged patch just named Bash Patch?

Crashing on start up is usually related to a bad Load Order or missing master file. Again, that Bashed patch is no doubt looking for every mod in the LO (at the time it was created) and thus should be at the bottom.

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Jaki Birch
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 11:14 am

That's not a load order. That's an alphabetical mod list.

Since you show a Bashed Patch, I assume you are actually using Bash.

With Bash open to the mods tab, right click on the file header and select List Mods.

That will copy the actual load order to the windows clipboard (including spoiler tags).

Paste that into your next post. Then maybe we can help a little better.


Active Mod Files:


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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:46 pm

Ha! :tops: You are partially correct. It is a LO, for the ones that are activated. the ones that are not are shown with a "0". Thus they are listed in alphabetical order.

I made a quick scan and didn't notice that, right off hand... :blush:

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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 12:39 am

I haven't ever used anything but BOSS and BASH.

Where does that list come from? The vanilla launcher?

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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 5:17 am

It's an Export option form NMM.

However, if the mods are not active, BOSS will still arrange those inactive mods in alphabetical order. Well, most of them anyway. It threw a couple in random placements.

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James Rhead
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 6:10 am

BOSS sorts inactive plugins by its masterlist.

BASH does not list inactive plugins.

To get a load order including inactive plugins, you must copy the BOSS Log.


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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 6:18 am

NMM will still list a LO with all plugins installed. Both the active and inactive ones. I thought BOSS was arranging the inactive ones in that order, but it seems that is not the case. I'm not certain how that is happening. I am certain that the LO is a direct copy from the NMM export.

Until the OP gives some feedback, I am neither certain that it is a true Bashed Patch and not just a Merged Patch, using TES5Edit, that was named Bash Patch.

Maybe the OP is using the Skyrim launcher to start the game and not SKSE. The launcher may be the cause of the alphabetical listing. Then BOSS is ignoring the inactive plugins and NMM is showing them in the order dictated from the launcher.

I don't understand this either...

BOSS doesn't remove mods. It will place unrecognized mods at the bottom of the LO, but it doesn't remove them. It makes me wonder what version of BOSS is being ran and if it has the most recent listing.

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lillian luna
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 1:54 pm

no, im using SKSE launcher (latest version). i also use the latest version of BOSS. my crashing has been very wierd. earlier today it was pretty rare, and i could go anywhere i wanted. now its really happening often, and its unplayable. i hate this, and i dont know what to do :(

EDIT: i just checked for errors/missing masters/other bad stuff using wrye bash, and found a bunch.

a few things were delinquent and missed masters, it said. and a lot needed cleaning apparently :-/ how do i do that? i guess i′ll completely reinstall mods missing masters/being delinquent, and we′ll see how goes

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Helen Quill
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 5:37 am

so i′ve done that...it went good for a while but still not good enough. it crashes/freezes still very often.

heres some stats for ya:

163 mods total (130 active atm)

so now i′m thinking about restarting this mod thing. i′ll make the mall inactive, and reinstall 1 by one. of course, some of them, i know are all right, mostly the visual ones. also the ones where i got saved stuff in, like my 1 house mod. i dont wanna lose all its contents!. well, better get started :)

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