Extreme Frame Drops in MP

Post » Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:26 am

Hi C3 Community,
Unfortunately i am getting extreme frame drops in crysis 3 MP, especially when shooting at people at close range, normally i get around 80-90 fps but both my cpu and gpu are working aroun 50-75 %. These framedrops doesn't show up with fraps or msi afterburner or evga precision, but it fells like the game is frozen for half of a second. This is happening every -2 to 3 minutes. On some maps like museum it is happening nearly all the time. I tried to overclock my cpu as well as my gpu but there was no effect. I tried to change nearly all setting in C3 and no effect...

PC specs:
amd fx-6100 @4.1ghz
gtx 660 ti
8gb ram 1333mhz
playing on 1080p

all drivers are up to date
If anyone could help me i would be really lucky, thanks guys! Cya in game ^^
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Lloyd Muldowney
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