I like the idea of a pallette, or perhaps a slider or something. Maybe, for example, have the Dunmer pallette in shades of red going from a white or pinkish sort of color to darkest reds to maybe even a brownish-red. It'd certainly give a bit of variety to NPCs.
I could accept a palette as more customization is always good. But if they are going for the fixed set of eyes I'm hoping that we'll have a lot more to choose from instead of the basic blue-brown-green. And we'd definitely need to have the red eyes for the Dunmer, yellow for Orcs and the black ones for the Bosmer as well.
This. The more choice the better though, so a colour-pallet would suit me just fine. It's nothing i'm majorly bothered about, but I would like more choice than the three colours we got in Oblivion. :confused:
I like the idea of a pallette, or perhaps a slider or something. Maybe, for example, have the Dunmer pallette in shades of red going from a white or pinkish sort of color to darkest reds to maybe even a brownish-red. It'd certainly give a bit of variety to NPCs.
i want both preset and color pallet where i can either choose natural preset colors or get a little crazy if i want, but i would want npc's to have a preset "natural" eye color
Color Pallet definately! I would love to give my characters red eyes, completely black eyes. Or maybe something crazy like Marilyn Manson's custom contacts. Dream on, dream on.
A colour pallet worked fine for hair, can't see it not working for eyes. But it would be cool if we could make each eye a different colour or make one or both eyes blind.
Both, make it like hair where you can choose from presets, but also be able fiddle with the sliders to get just the right (or wrong, depending on how ridiculous you want your character to look) color.
I just want khajiit's to have more options besides mustard yellow. Is it possible for them to have brown or amber colored eyes?
Agreed. My cat has the most gorgeous jade-green eyes, and I wouldn't mind replicating that if I ever played a Khajiit character.
And don't forget blind. With the possibility of scars being in the game I think it would be awesome to have a vertical scar on your face across one eye and the eye itself being white/blind
Ah, true that. Could also make for cool "seer" type characters. And it brings up the idea of heterechroma iridis, which would also be a cool option.
on oblivion for pc i unlocked the dremora eye colour it looked sweet on my black haired breton they look like demon eyes and glow in the dark, so yeah being able to customize your eye couler is a must
Poll says it all. In Oblivion the eye color pre sets annoyed me, there wasn't a lot to choose from. So with more customization in Skyrim I hope they let you get the right color you want instead of a pre-set.
Colo-Palette would be nice, but anything that more than 3 will be better.
On one hand I like as much customization as possible, on the other I detest sliders and can never get anything to look right using them. It's honestly easier for me to take a texture into Photoshop than it is for me to adjust the slider/color palette to where I want it.