Thanks guys for the insight. Let's go through and address all the above

You do not need animators (who are as hard to find as flying pink elephants) and will probably never, ever get contact from one who can do it well enough for a Fallout 3 deal.
We will need animators. Luckily our Lead Modeler has some animation experience but if we could find a dedicated animator that would be better. Just to give you an idea on some of the animations we'll need: NPC kneeling (intro), custom model animation (rats, the master, etc.), custom death animations (the body melting). Those are just off the top of my head. There are others on top of that.
There is exactly one UI designer, and if you want to get his attention you're going to need to contact him (and in the end you might just end up using his UI as he has supplied it now, "Darnified").
We've been in touch with him actually and I've been slowly weeding through the UI to try and learn as much as I can with his assistance. We were just hopeful that there may be someone else out there with experience to expediate the process as me having to learn it from scratch on top of the other work I am doing will lengthen the time it takes to complete the project.
Programmers? I don't understand what for, mods are naturally geared toward being script-based, not code based.
Perhaps programmers is a bad word, instead I should use scripter. In either case someone that has the anolytical and systematic thought process of a programmer/scripter and enjoys working on that is who we are looking for especially if they have experience doing such in the Fallout 3 engine. We have a programmer helping us out but with as much work as we have in this department the extra help is much needed.
And, what mod really needs a web designer?
We don't need a web designer to finish the project, however as our website is the main point of information and updates we think it would be nice to have a theme that better represents the project and provides a unified experience through our main page, forums, etc.
There's one thing you can do without needing so much different aptitudes, it's recreating the locations of Fallout 1. Starting from the simplest (Shady Sands, Raiders camp, ...) to the hardest (Cathedral). For some of these, you probably won't need to create new ressources (maybe only a minimal amount), for others you'll need to create quite a few but by having already showed your capacity and seriousness in creating the simpler locations, you might found more and more peoples willing to help you.
We have already started working on the areas and with the assistance of community resources such as Cliffworms work we have V13, V15 almost complete, Shady Sands about 1/4 complete, and Junktown started. More than likely we'll have a good majority of the areas completed before we nail down the scripting and UI.
The modular approach can help produce much more result in a work like this.
Our belief is that even if this mod doesn't get completed (which we believe it will) we will be able to provide a lot of enrichment to the modding community to include tutorials, new game assets, etc. We'll most likely beta areas in a modular fashion to show people our dedication/quality of work and to get feedback and issue information and hopefully generate interest for other modders to help with the project

it'll probably utilize 95% of the vanilla geck entries and assets. So at what point is that a TC?
We will be using a number of the vanilla assets however there are a LOT more we'll have to create. On top of this as we are going to hopefully be trashing the current leveling system, skills, perks, travel and other game mechanics in preference to a custom one that is more suited to the classic Fallout. IMHO that qualifies a TC as we are completely re-working some of the core game mechanics.
iif as the project lead- cannot and will not be willing to do the entire project singlehandedly. Don't be project lead. Lead = ninja, leaps tall buildings in single bounds, faster than a speeding bullet, sixual tyrannosaurus.
Luckily the project lead is willing to do the entire project singlehandedly

However, the project lead would also like to see the mod completed within the next one to two years also

On top of data collection, some semblance of project management, marketing, and everything else I do I am working on learning the scripting, UI and actively constructing areas as those are a big areas of need. Luckily we have a scripter and modeler helping us along although they aren't dedicated resources but it definitely expedites the process with their assistance!
edit: I think it's important to keep the first post updated, that info a few posts up is basically lost in the middle of this thread. and the first post currently doesn't tell me anything
Great idea, thanks for the suggestion!
Keep the constructive criticism and comments coming it only helps us to improve and aids in providing more clarity to the community.