We understand the number of pessimistic views in regards to the completion of the project. It is very ambitious, a very large amount of work and will take a long time to complete. Just for reference we've already been working on the project for a little over a year. Yes, there isn't a lot to show publicly at this point but that is changing quickly. Keep in mind, currently we only have one dedicated builder, one dedicated modeler, about 3-4 others who help out with data collection and small projects, and a scripter helping with the travel system.
In regards to the one to two year statement, if you read a little closer, I was not saying I think we will be complete in one or two years. I think it's very likely it will take us another 4 years or so to get a completely finished project. I was merely stating I would love to get help from talented community members so it only takes us 1 or 2 years. In all truth if we had 2 more modelers, 2 scripters, and another 2-3 level/NPC designers that put as much work into this as I am I think we could knock this out in two years. On our skeletal staff it will take at least twice as long.
In the meantime we'll be releasing pieces as we get them completed for public beta testing before we add them to the final mod. Additionally, as we learn new things we'll be writing guides and tutorials to help advance the modding community. Also keep in mind, the majority of work for us is level/npc design/development, scripting and new models. We already have the story, we already have the dialogue, we already have the quests, we already have very basic level layout. We just have to build it.
As to the point of the mod. The point as stated before is to re-create the original so that the masses of Fallout 3 players who have not and will not go back to play the originals, because of outdated graphics or whatever other reason, will have the opportunity to play the original with new graphics and an updated engine. There are a great deal of previous Fallout players that have also expressed interest in seeing the game they loved in a 3D environment. So while some may have no interest in playing it, there are many who do. (Personally, I go back and play the originals every couple of years because I enjoy the story and the game so if I weren't the one actually doing this mod I would be excited to see it done)
I'm not in it for the fame or the money as you put it. It's true I enjoy gaming and love working on this mod. However, game design is not the career path I am currently pursuing, it is however my most enjoyed and time consuming hobby

. I love building things. I built sets for plays in high school, I built decks and basemants during college, now as my second major mod project I am continuing to learn to build games because I enjoy it. I want to bring the community, who hasn't experienced it or would like to experience it again, an awesome RPG that started a series in the late 90's that is still prospering 10+ years later.