I liked the RPG aspect of the game and the "freedom" of leveling up the skills I want to level up. From what it's sounding like it, the game is now more linear. In the end you're now either completely bad or good.
Yeah the more I play the less I am liking it, pure/corrupt is gone, no neutral option and the chests unlok at specific times in the story, soeven if you have 1000 seals straight away you wont get everything to lvl up until your king...
Also the chests you unlock are dissapointing, included are dyes, expression,s being better at jobs, the option to buy a shop (yep cant buy one til you get this...) and a fewother thinds aswell as weapon damage.
Oh and someof they dyes you cant unlock anyway well not yet, take a look at this http://lionhead.com/forums/t/290772.aspx yeah not to happy with LH atm.