according to the reviews the mainquest is a bit too short, but if you play it with all the sidequests and whatnot then the length extends a lot. They say that Lionhead put an incredible amount of effort into the sidequests so to only do the mainquest is kind of an insult to the development team. From what I guage there I think the mainquest is probably ten hours with the sidequests added it probably extends to 25-30, maybe forty, not sure haven't played it yet
I gave up on reviewers completely when I saw one that complained about fallout NV having an ending, obsidian told them, and it just seemed petty. So reviews dont bother me.
My friend rushed through and got it in 11 hours.I am currently 9 or 10 and about 3/4 of the way through.
Over all I am pleasantly surprised with it.Plenty og good and evil decisions to keep it interesting and the story is solid.
Thats a good time imo, better than most.
Mine didnt arrive today, shame game usually delivers pre orders early, so I should get mine tomorrow

I am kinda disspointed though, rading produc details gave away the first choice in the game, I have a feeling about how it will end too, what the twist is. On the LH forums a guy had a good theory, I just hope its wrong, it was an interesting one, but I want it to be wrong so im suprised.