So evaluate yourself throughout the year of 2013. Were you a Face, or Heel? The protagonist, or villain?
Anyone that was watching my post 2013 will likely know that I was going for Heel status that year. I was "rude," and very honest in all my input. Whenever a post came up with the name "Blackhand" in it, it was my intention for people to say "Oh, this will be fun to read." Meanwhile, in the real world, I was going through my final semester of High School, and oh boy was I mean. Someone said something stupid, I made them feel like it. If one of those two-faced people that you know talks about you behind your back tried to smile at me, I'd wipe that stupid smirk off their face in seconds.
The funny thing is, never before had people wanted my attention more than when I intentionally treated them like the dirt they would act like. Before, when I tried to be Mr.Nice Guy and fit in with everyone, I found myself uncomfortable and still left out. The moment I decided to be a villain, I became two things: Relevant, and Respected.
But that was High School. Here I am now, finished with it, unemployed, and looking at potentially being homeless in a month. Being a bad guy was fun in an environment where despicable people thrived, and I'm sure I could continue the streak if I wanted to. But being a villain and being a kiss ass in retail is something that doesn't go hand in hand, and I do believe I am approaching a neccesary Face Turn. It's about time for one, considering I have been playing the bad guy for nearly two years.
So there's my story. What about you? Are you a Face, or Heel? Maybe some weird combination? (Hi Tallest.) Or maybe you're niether, but just a commentator or member of the audience? Tell us about who you were last year, and tell us who you're considering being this year.