Face it, Crysis 3 will be console-exclusive.

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:07 am

Crytek brought it upon them self for this low PC sale. It's not anyone's fault but Crytek.
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Nuno Castro
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:58 am

Portal 2 sold:
60k - PC
400k - X360
320k - PS3

Now lets take a look at the whole PC industry.
Hell yes.

How happy do you think Valve is that the PC left them? Call of Duty Black Ops had more sales!

Woah, that's impressive. How did 60k people manage to play 90k copies of Portal 2 at once on launch day?

Valve don't release sales figures. Without Steam sales, those numbers are useless.

point taken. however how come we have HL and HL2 sales? Steam must release their sales sooner or late no?
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Manuel rivera
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:09 am

This is getting boring. Those sales figures are DISK ONLY. PC gamers are buying disks less and less.

In the case of a game like Crysis 2, from what I've seen on various forum polls, about half buy it on disk, half on steam/d2d/EA store. They don't release online sales figures.

In the case of a game like portal 2, the ratio of disk to download will be much higher on download side of things. Most people don't buy Valve games on disk, because they know the game is using Steam anyway, so they may as well download it.

If those sales figures included disk and download, they wouldn't bring the PC game out. Simple as that. Ask yourself, why do all these games keep coming out on PC? Is it because they feel sorry for us? No, it's because these games sell more than you think and make more money than you think. Digital distro costs less. They don't have to pay license fees to sony and ms to release the game on proprietary hardware. And they don't have to worry too much about the game getting passed around second hand, like they do on consoles. The game will continue to sell new, slowly and steadily over the years on platforms like steam.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:09 am

how come we have HL and HL2 sales? Steam must release their sales sooner or late no?

It's disk sales. A lot of people bought HL2 on disk for PC, back in the day, because it was PC exclusive and Steam downloading hadn't become popular. Also the orange box was a big seller on disk as well.

HL2 will have sold many orders of magnitude more than 9m (of whatever) on steam.
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Sophie Payne
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:28 am

-Plz dont be stupid..........
-no chart factors in digital download.
-These charts are only retail, not even online retail. I get most of my games from amazon.com
-I crysis 2 is ok at best in its current state
-I wont miss crysis 3 if its the same crap like crysis 2
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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:33 am

is there an actual reason why Steam doesn't release game sales?
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:14 am

If they release their numbers it would prompt other retailers to start with their own DD service. This means more competition for valve.

Game Devs do get to know how well their games sell. And because of the online activation DRM it is easier than ever.
The fact that crytek is allegedly working on a super duper dx11 patch means that they got enough money to fund that development

Ofcourse the game would not have sold as well as xbox 360 version did because that was the recommended specs
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Kayleigh Mcneil
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:59 am

Why would they?

I mean, I'm not saying they have their books written by a ghost writer or anything. But, I would imagine there will be a little bit of fiddling going, to avoid paying as much tax.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:57 pm

It is strange how many people in the forums are disappointed with crysis 2 and yet they continue to contribute (I don't count pure flaming and crying as contributing)

I guess alot of them played crysis 1 and still feel connected to the game and hope that crytek patches it into a full pc game. At least that's why I'm still here :D any seconds?

This is the only reason I'm still here. I care about the Crysis franchise and want to see it continue to grow down the path it's roots set in motion. Innovation, beauty, malleability, density. Crytek wanted to bring this franchise to more people and they successfully have done so BUT no one that plays on the console will really experience what we have with Crysis. It's now limited, scaled back, dumbed down and to console players most of them don't know the difference. My heart (and money) is with the PC for games where devs prove they care about what the PC can offer beyond what a console can but I know the perspective of a console player becuase I've played console for years as well. It breaks my heart to see this series take the turn it has without keeping it's devotion to the PC alive. So I agree 100%, the only reason I'm still here is becuase of my love for the original and my hope that Crytek will not forsake what they started with the series and patch it into a full PC game.
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michael danso
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:37 pm

When I saw this thread, I couldn't have facepalmed hard enough. It's pretty much inevitable for any title that their console counter-parts will massively outsell the PC version because consoles are a cheaper and more accessible media for the majority of people.

Even games from PC-centric developers like Valve had their Xbox versions outselling the PC versions 10:1, just look at the stats for L4D2. But, this doesn't stop Valve from developing their games from the PC does it? Crysis also had a crapload of sales over its lifetime, and I imagine it'll become "the" benchmarking tool once the DX11 patch is out, encouraging more people to buy it over its lifetime. Crysis 1 had 0.77m purchases according to that site, when I remember Crytek saying they had at least over 1m?

I also wonder if these stats include DIGITAL sales which make up a lot of market on PC today, and there will most likely be a Crysis sale this week on Steam which should get Crytek more sales.
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darnell waddington
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:27 pm

Not only do these stats not include digital downloads, but it does not compare the market sizes. Obviously a 360 is much cheaper, and more accessible to someone than a computer.
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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:37 pm

It only considers sales from retail. not even from online retail. Amazon.com does not share its sales data. And I am sure they sell crapton of gmes
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:35 am

ignorant OP lol.

if crysis 3 is anything like crysis 2, i say let the consoles have it.

Unfortunately, this. ^^^ (Including OP)
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:50 am

Yeah thoses idiotic site dont include Digital sale, so sell for PC are not true ( even for portal2 in think )

plus, Crysis2 PC is a major downgrade compare to Crysis.

-No 64bit exe
-no editor at start
-A way more bug that the first Crysis
-A mp game made for console players ( Crytek-UK = 100% console Studio + COD copy and paste, but with a nanosuit )
-Crysis2 solo = very little environement compare to Crysis + a WAY more linear = SP + MP thought for console market.
-Over locked game = nearly 0 tweak...
-only Dx9 ( in 2011 for a PC game its pretty a shame )

All that is more than bad for a PC game.

AND the leaked version is, except for somes sound / graphic bug, a way better than the retail version ( 64bit .exe, fully tweakable like Crysis, a SB3.. etc )

So before think that the console market is the best, ask you first why the PC community didnt really enjoyed this crysis2.....

And, FOR GOD ! there is nearly the same pirate rate on console... ppl just avoid speak / accept that to let ppl think that the console market is clean, and think "PC gamer" = evil bad pirate.

And, the Crysis2 Editor is coming soon ( and only for PC ! ) so lets expect somes sell increase for PC, since its the BEST tools ever to make crysis2 live nearly forever like crysis ( news maps / news mod / importing Crysis1 vehicle / asset / texture / vegetation.. etc to use them in crysis2 )
Soon console user will just cry not have Crysis2 on PC to enjoy all modification who will coming with the Crysis2 Editor.

Anyway. Even if a console is more popular for his easy accessibility ( no need to buy a expensive computer ) the PC market is far to be dead xD

And think that a console is less expensive than a game PC is wrong xD since all pc game price are like 10-20euros less expensive than on console ( and more if you use direct2play a buy a Crysis2 for 25euros just after he come out in store... ) so make the math of what you can save up play on PC.

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Vickytoria Vasquez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:50 am

most stupid thing i have ever heard of, ever.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:24 am

It's stuff like this that makes me furious. There is just as many pirates on pc as there are on consoles. Whenever people hear the word "Pirated" they instantly think PC. Well, if Crysis 3 is a console exclusive, Crytek would be f***ing the very people that helped them with the series. Correct me if I am wrong.
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:02 am

For as far as i know steam doesn't release their sales numbers so these statistics you guys are coming up with are extremely inaccurate...
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Kate Norris
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:51 am

It's stuff like this that makes me furious. There is just as many pirates on pc as there are on consoles. Whenever people hear the word "Pirated" they instantly think PC. Well, if Crysis 3 is a console exclusive, Crytek would be f***ing the very people that helped them with the series. Correct me if I am wrong.

Your right. Torrent sites make pirated copies of console games all the time. You just burn the iso file for xbox or ps3 and put on dvd. No problem at all to pirate console games if you wanted too.
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:01 am

PC game sales are mostly going digital now and I would not be surprised if the actual PC sales of Crysis 2 are closer to half a million by now.

In my opinion the only physical copies worth buying today are Collectors editions and maybe any company that puts a bit more effort in the box art (like Blizzard). But heck I don't even have a CD/DVD/Blu-ray player in my PC because it is not needed anymore ( consoles till use this outdated technology :D )
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:40 am

PC game sales are mostly going digital now and I would not be surprised if the actual PC sales of Crysis 2 are closer to half a million by now.

In my opinion the only physical copies worth buying today are Collectors editions and maybe any company that puts a bit more effort in the box art (like Blizzard). But heck I don't even have a CD/DVD/Blu-ray player in my PC because it is not needed anymore ( consoles till use this outdated technology :D )

I still like having the hard copy myself. To each his own though. The nice thing about a digital copy though is that you can usually pre download it and then right at midnight in your area it can be activated. I dont like digital copies though because a reinstall takes forever to download a 12gig game.
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:38 pm

idk, ea just has better support with there digital stuff.
i got a hard copy of spore, they could barley help me when i couldn't install it any more.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:02 am

Digital sales not included. Also, those numbers in terms of retail sales shouldn't be so surprising. Big numbers on consoles? Well no duh, that was the whole point of going multiplatform. Crytek still loves PC but wanted higher sales. They got it. Cevat Yerli wanted black ops sales but of course, we see the numbers aren't at that level. But he and crytek definately got bigger numbers than Crysis 1, which is a failure to them (it sold poorly at the initial release and could not compensate for the amount of effort they put in).

Also to those saying "good ridance" or "**** Crysis, we don't need crysis 3" please **** OFF. Lol. We don't need you guys here. Stupid unnappreciative spoiled brats. We are already getting DX11, sandbox editor 3, CryENGINE SDK, and more. Yet you guys continue to go on how this isn't a PC game. NEWSFLASH: This is a multiplatform game and is not a port. What how? DERP, I'll tell you how. The CryEngine 3. Maybe if you losers took the effort to learn how it works, you wouldn't seem so STUPID when you say "it's a port!!" **** insults to the PC community.
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:01 pm

This is a multiplatform game and is not a port. What how? DERP, I'll tell you how. The CryEngine 3. Maybe if you losers took the effort to learn how it works, you wouldn't seem so STUPID when you say "it's a port!!" **** insults to the PC community.

you keep saying that. but we keep telling you why you are wrong and why it is a port. lol. i have seen you post that exact same thing about a dozen times each with someone explaining to you why you are wrong and why people call it a port.

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Luis Reyma
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:45 pm

is there an actual reason why Steam doesn't release game sales?
Why would the release it? Who cares? Its just source of flame on forums as you can see.
They have HUGE profit (no question about it), they probably just don't shout: we sold 200k Portal 2 copies. If they would be unhappy about sales, they will let us all know.
Accurate sales numbers can be provided by Crytek, they know exactly how many CD keys have been activated (well they probably don't know it since you can play with fake CD key anyway :-)
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:42 pm

Face it, Crysis 3 will never be developed.
Crytek needs to sell at least another million copies or two to cover the development costs of Crysis 2. If they are not extremely lucky to get some stupid licensees to use their glitchy engine they will not survive. Even if they got like 10 DLC packs waiting to be released, I doubt it'll help enough.
I wish them luck, since it's to late now to wish them skill...
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