» Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:50 am
Yeah thoses idiotic site dont include Digital sale, so sell for PC are not true ( even for portal2 in think )
plus, Crysis2 PC is a major downgrade compare to Crysis.
-No 64bit exe
-no editor at start
-A way more bug that the first Crysis
-A mp game made for console players ( Crytek-UK = 100% console Studio + COD copy and paste, but with a nanosuit )
-Crysis2 solo = very little environement compare to Crysis + a WAY more linear = SP + MP thought for console market.
-Over locked game = nearly 0 tweak...
-only Dx9 ( in 2011 for a PC game its pretty a shame )
All that is more than bad for a PC game.
AND the leaked version is, except for somes sound / graphic bug, a way better than the retail version ( 64bit .exe, fully tweakable like Crysis, a SB3.. etc )
So before think that the console market is the best, ask you first why the PC community didnt really enjoyed this crysis2.....
And, FOR GOD ! there is nearly the same pirate rate on console... ppl just avoid speak / accept that to let ppl think that the console market is clean, and think "PC gamer" = evil bad pirate.
And, the Crysis2 Editor is coming soon ( and only for PC ! ) so lets expect somes sell increase for PC, since its the BEST tools ever to make crysis2 live nearly forever like crysis ( news maps / news mod / importing Crysis1 vehicle / asset / texture / vegetation.. etc to use them in crysis2 )
Soon console user will just cry not have Crysis2 on PC to enjoy all modification who will coming with the Crysis2 Editor.
Anyway. Even if a console is more popular for his easy accessibility ( no need to buy a expensive computer ) the PC market is far to be dead xD
And think that a console is less expensive than a game PC is wrong xD since all pc game price are like 10-20euros less expensive than on console ( and more if you use direct2play a buy a Crysis2 for 25euros just after he come out in store... ) so make the math of what you can save up play on PC.