Ofcourse the full beta being leaked all over the internet didn't really help because people download it complete the game and see no reason why they should pay for it since they already finished it, besides it's not their fault that someone was so nice to leak the full version of the game period!.
I think the main reason why console games sell better as pc games is because of the price of the actual hardware, can u buy/build a gaming pc for let's say 200/300 euro's ? not sure how much a PS3 cost but I know for a fact that a simple xbox360 is only 200.
So if u don't have the cashflow to buy/build a pc and just wanna play games on it hey it's a great alternative , pc needs more exclusive games and superior graphic's compared to those older somewhat outdated consoles.
The developers they have to convince the people to actually buy a pc simply because it's worth the extra money and aslong as we get almost identical games compared to the consoles , the console people will never consider buying one of those nice fancy machines.
In the end people will always go for the best value/price option.
I rest my case