Face it, Crysis 3 will be console-exclusive.

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:26 am


Thanks pirates.
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Philip Rua
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:07 am

OMG... man, you brought bad news.
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:50 pm

Sorry, I don't see what you are talking about yet.
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Scared humanity
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:43 am

ignorant OP lol.

if crysis 3 is anything like crysis 2, i say let the consoles have it.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:15 am


Thanks pirates.
Who cares anyway? Not pc games, thats for sure.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:55 pm

ignorant OP lol.

if crysis 3 is anything like crysis 2, i say let the consoles have it.

haha yeah no need for another console port.

hopefully Bf3 will give pc players real power!
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:32 am

I think I just don't mind. If it's more of the same of Crysis 2, then I just don't mind. It will actually save me from buying it, because I am somewhat of a Crytek fan and even though I have been disappointed with Crysis 2, I know I would get Crysis 3, even if it would only be for the sake of having the whole triology in my shelf.

And FYI - just saying "piracy" is a lame ass excuse. How did you think the sales would turn out in a world where 2/3 of the gamers play on console? Just say it neutral, if you believe it: "PC sales don't make up for the developement cost and time".
And I doubt Crysis 3 will be an exclusive. Not if it is on CE3 or any refined version of it - cause this has been made for multiplatform. Squeezing out a PC version is just a mouseclick. After that all you need is the UI, some settings tweaking and keybinds for PC. And extra multiplayer coding - loobies n stuff. But that's it. That's what they did with Crysis 2. Looking at the sales, I'd say it was worth it, and it will be again with Crysis 3.

But again - who gives a damn. a) wait and see - b) if it turns out to be Crysis 2 2, I am not really interested until I get it for 5 bucks for my collection. Well, perhaps they make Crysis 2 on PC worthwhile with future patches and the CE3 SDK coming in August, but I don't believe it till I see it.

Don't get the wrong idea - I don't think Crysis 2 is bad. It's ok to good. But it didn't live up to the expectations that were created by the promises and the legacy one bit. It's not (Crysis) 2, it's (Crysis 2) and I think they just should have given it another name.

Thank you for giving me a setup for saying this, OP. If you want to thank the pirates, you may search a different forum for this. If you don't like pirates, you probably won't find any in this forum, save the few uber-hacker-caption-obivious-13-yo-trolls that laugh at you in the official forums.
To conclude: I disagree. Not making Crysis 3 multiplat would be stupid with the engine they got.
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loste juliana
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:15 am

ignorant OP lol.

if crysis 3 is anything like crysis 2, i say let the consoles have it.


**** Crysis 2! They can shove it up their ass and all you **** that think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread can as well!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:12 am


Thanks pirates.

Yeah, it won't be a console-exclusive...
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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:32 am

If those numbers are accurate, it's pretty obvious why it was a console port and why their focus goes 360 > PS3 > PC. Can't fault them for taking care of the highest paying customer base first, it's good business. We still have 175,000 people in our base though, that's too much for them to simply ignore us and a good indication we'll keep getting patches (though last, perhaps). What those figures don't show is the market size of each. What is the ratio of 360 users to PC users? I'd bet it's quite a difference (cost/accessibility). Also, those figures don't show digital downloads.

I wonder what those PC #'s would have looked like without there being a pirated version, and digital downloads being accounted for?

Units Sold - 5 Weeks
PC: 175,000
360: 730,000
PS3: 490,000

As for them ditching the PC for Crysis 3? Who are you trying to kid? They'd have to be idiots to do that and not make a console port at least.

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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:44 am

It is strange how many people in the forums are disappointed with crysis 2 and yet they continue to contribute (I don't count pure flaming and crying as contributing)

I guess alot of them played crysis 1 and still feel connected to the game and hope that crytek patches it into a full pc game. At least that's why I'm still here :D any seconds?
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cheryl wright
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:36 am

Don't care...

If they want to make it console only...more power to them. Game svcked anyway.

Crysis 1 still rocks...

And they still don't show download sales aka Steam etc. lol

Either way I'm not buying the next Crysis game anyway...it's like FEAR mixed with HL 2 with a sprinkling of CoD and Gears of War thrown in. Bahhh..

I'd rather replay Crysis 1..now that was a fun game.

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Amber Ably
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:58 am

It is strange how many people in the forums are disappointed with crysis 2 and yet they continue to contribute (I don't count pure flaming and crying as contributing)

I guess alot of them played crysis 1 and still feel connected to the game and hope that crytek patches it into a full pc game. At least that's why I'm still here :D any seconds?

Are you kidding me? There are 261 pages of threads containing complaints/ideas and solutions to problems in crysis 2. It's been a month now and not even the most basic of complaints like the extra dlc (THAT WE PAID FOR) isn't working.

You know what makes games like tf2 so good? They release a patch just about every week. yes 90% of those are about hats but the other 10% are tweaks and fixes. Which makes for an amazing well balanced well oiled/run game. And if something does not work they release a patch basically the day after.

This flame isn't directed at you but crytek who seem to be doing nothing and in that regard I feel everyone's flames are well justified.

It's sad because I really really like crysis 2 and I feel it has soooo much potential but all the holes make it hard.

I think a lot of people feel the way I do.

**EDIT. I apologise to you MFlash. I misread your post XD I take any anger directed at you back although I still think my point remains true so I'm going to leave my post up. Hope you don't mind.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:18 am

Crysis 2 is fine. I know many people don't have this opinion. It works for me and I enjoy Single- and Multiplayer. But fact is, that PC sales are always lower than console sales. That however, doesn't mean that it is dead. It's not. Althoug it hurts to do this, but look at the Black Ops sales:
It's 1.1 Million for PC
And 10 Million for PS3.

It is 10 times higher for this console.
So it's alright, although Crysis 2 sales could be better. I hope that Crytek will take their time for Crysis 3, to make the CryEngine 4, and choose PC as the development platform.

For a almost bug-free Crysis 3 I would be willing to wait for 4 years or so.

So please don't worry PC gamers. I am sure Crytek won't forget about us.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:24 am

someone forgot Digital sales?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:06 am

Lol, damage control. Face it, the game tanked on PC and the next Crysis will probably even be on the WII! XD!
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:53 am

someone forgot Digital sales?

Nowhere on that chart does it signify the PC sales are physical and not digital, so I'd have to say for now it includes digital?
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Quick Draw III
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:52 am

someone forgot Digital sales?

Nowhere on that chart does it signify the PC sales are physical and not digital, so I'd have to say for now it includes digital?

AS far as I know, Steam does not release sales figures, and therefore the largest digital distribution platform is unaccounted for in any such graph/figures.
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Everardo Montano
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:33 am

"Crysis 3? You mean that console exclusive sequel to an all around consolized and inferior successor to Crysis, a game that is still held in high regards and used as a benchmark together with several performance-heavy mods? Yeah, I'm glad I learned from Crysis 2 and didn't even rent it"

Hopefully NOT how I will remember this franchise. Seriously though, f*ck you for lying to us Crytek. Aren't you even ashamed of yourselfs for becomming complete sell-outs, lowering your standarts to make more money? Yeah, there's several ways to do your job, I hope I won't end up with the same money-oriented policy when doing the thing I like, studied for, worked hard for. Then again, it's not the capabilities that hindered Crysis 2 from being what it could have been, that is, superior to the Original in any way. It's the mindset that was wrong, both in regards to their work and their fanbase.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:25 am

If those numbers are accurate, it's pretty obvious why it was a console port and why their focus goes 360 > PS3 > PC. Can't fault them for taking care of the highest paying customer base first, it's good business. We still have 175,000 people in our base though, that's too much for them to simply ignore us and a good indication we'll keep getting patches (though last, perhaps).

I wonder what those PC #'s would have looked like without there being a pirated version.

Units Sold - 5 Weeks
PC: 175,000
360: 730,000
PS3: 490,000

As for them ditching the PC for Crysis 3? Who are you trying to kid? They'd have to be idiots to do that and not make a console port at least.


Obviously... Maybe people stopped caring?
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:36 am

ignorant OP lol.

if crysis 3 is anything like crysis 2, i say let the consoles have it.

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Maddy Paul
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:35 pm

Portal 2 sold:
60k - PC
400k - X360
320k - PS3

Now lets take a look at the whole PC industry.
Hell yes.

How happy do you think Valve is that the PC left them? Call of Duty Black Ops had more sales!
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Je suis
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:51 pm

Why does every bad game sale get blamed on pirates? Are publishers just unwilling to admit that their game might be bad? Most games don't sell well because they svck, not because the pirates have set out to destroy companies.

(this isn't aimed specifically at C2; it's more of a general observation)
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:53 pm

Portal 2 sold:
60k - PC
400k - X360
320k - PS3

Now lets take a look at the whole PC industry.
Hell yes.

How happy do you think Valve is that the PC left them? Call of Duty Black Ops had more sales!
i didn't buy the game yet
so you can count 60001 copy sold =P

Why does every bad game sale get blamed on pirates? Are publishers just unwilling to admit that their game might be bad? Most games don't sell well because they svck, not because the pirates have set out to destroy companies.

(this isn't aimed specifically at C2; it's more of a general observation)
PC gamers just wait much more from games
consoles shooters are poor and any moderate sh1t that can be never be bought by PC gamer can be sell for consoles well enough
but money rocks the world so we had PC industry coming on second focus
anyway i think half life 3 could be have a bank
but after crysis 2 i would prefer to know more about the game before buy it
honestly i bought crysis 2 becouse of poor knowledge about the game and trust Crytek. i really thought to see something amaizing as crysis 1 was
i failed =D
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:28 am

Portal 2 sold:
60k - PC
400k - X360
320k - PS3

Now lets take a look at the whole PC industry.
Hell yes.

How happy do you think Valve is that the PC left them? Call of Duty Black Ops had more sales!

Woah, that's impressive. How did 60k people manage to play 90k copies of Portal 2 at once on launch day?

Valve don't release sales figures. Without Steam sales, those numbers are useless.
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