It is strange how many people in the forums are disappointed with crysis 2 and yet they continue to contribute (I don't count pure flaming and crying as contributing)
I guess alot of them played crysis 1 and still feel connected to the game and hope that crytek patches it into a full pc game. At least that's why I'm still here

any seconds?
Are you kidding me? There are 261 pages of threads containing complaints/ideas and solutions to problems in crysis 2. It's been a month now and not even the most basic of complaints like the extra dlc (THAT WE PAID FOR) isn't working.
You know what makes games like tf2 so good? They release a patch just about every week. yes 90% of those are about hats but the other 10% are tweaks and fixes. Which makes for an amazing well balanced well oiled/run game. And if something does not work they release a patch basically the day after.
This flame isn't directed at you but crytek who seem to be doing nothing and in that regard I feel everyone's flames are well justified.
It's sad because I really really like crysis 2 and I feel it has soooo much potential but all the holes make it hard.
I think a lot of people feel the way I do.
**EDIT. I apologise to you MFlash. I misread your post XD I take any anger directed at you back although I still think my point remains true so I'm going to leave my post up. Hope you don't mind.