Ok I found out how to do it.
Becouse it was/is hard I thought i should post a how to....
Things you will need.
Blender or Max. <- To make the anim in the first place.
NifScope. <- To hack the face anim into your .kf
FAFF <- A template found at http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6709
Time. <- I dont need to explain do I?
Step 1:
Make your anim and export your .KF, this is beond the scope of this how to. But i am assuming you have called it New.KF
Step 2:
Open a copy of FAFF's fa01.kf.
Open a copy of your new.kf in a new nifscope.
In fa01 scrol down the block list untill you find number 86 (It should be a NiBoolInterpolator ) , Right click on it, Block -> copy branch.
In New.KF right click on NiControllerSequence, Block -> Past Branch.
Repete with number 87 (NiFloatInterpolator) .
In fa01 click the NiControllerSequence, and find in the block detales Controlled Blocks,Expand it, and find the one with a value of HeadAnims, expand HeadAnims and find Node Name, right click on Node name and pick Edit String Index, Copy(Ctr c) the Vale HeadAnims.
In New.kf click the NiControllerSequence and in the block detales find Num Controlled Blocks, dubble click the value and rase it buy two, right click on Controlled Blocks in the block detales and pick Array->update.
Expand Controlled Blocks and find the two blank ones at the end, Expand the first one, dubble click in the value of Interpolator and enter the number next to the pasted NiBoolInterpolator (Mine is 148 yours will be diffarant), copy across all of the rest of the values from fa01's HeadAnims's block,note-ably:Priority,
Node Name,Controller Type.
Do the same for the seckond new Controlled Block , but this time for the value of Interpolator enter the number next to the pasted NiFloatInterpolator(Mine is 149 yours will be diffarant,but should be higher buy 1 the the last number),And agean copy the data from fa01's HeadAnims:0 Controlled Block.
This time though when you get to Variable 2, Pick any face anim type from this list...
Allmost done :wink_smile:
All that remains is to set the times on when to use the anim and how much...
Expand your pasted NiFloatInterpolator, and click on the NiFloatData that is the clild,down in the block detales expand data, keys, and each key.
mess with the Time and Value to match your needs. Time is when in the anim that the efect takes place, and value is how much with 1 being full power.
Its worth noting that you can change the number of keys buy clicking in the value of Num Keys and hitting right click on the keys ,Array -> update.
Step 3.
Save you work....
Done. Try it in game and enjoy.
Hope this helps.