Is there a mod which makes your face morphing easier cause all the character I made have overly big lips or look like a cartoon.
I know what you mean; getting good results with that program is like pulling teeth...
Well you have this option:
You could try using FaceGen - you can DL the Demo for free, then either use that program to make a face you like or use photos to generate a likeness to someone you want to look like, then import it into your oblivion save file using a converter program...
Here is a youtube video that shows you how to do it:
Keep in mind you don't have to make a weird looking guy like in the video...

Here's the link to FaceGen (free demo - actual version is expensive!):
And a Converter (it might not be the only one out there):
I am currently doing this to make my character have my own face! (more or less

Have fun!