Hopefully Khajiit and Argonians will get more different hair-styles. The face paint and scars and all that will look extra spiffing aswell.
Yes it was far to limited in Oblivion, also wonder how tattoo on Khajiit will work: hidden by fur?
I also wonder about number of slots/ layers, you can have tattoos everywhere on the body, the same for scars, now how many different can you have? Can you have two face tattoos, one scar and face paint? How about the rest of the body.
Worst case we only get one layer,
Best case we bet a load and overlapping and perhaps resizable or other properties.
One other fun idea is that moders will do with this. quite possible they can use tattoo slots for clothing or accessories.
Something like using the tail slot for a headband in Oblivion. The tattoo layer might be used for clothing under armor, only restriction would be that the clothing has to be skin tight.
Perhaps a enchanted shirt under your plate armor or even better a chainmail shirt who also increase armor rating.