I feel like an idiot for posting this but I just did a clean install for skyrim and I installed my face and body texture mods, the bodies work fine but the faces aren't. Cant really notice the male to much but the female looks awful!
This is what it looks like, the lips are the most noticeable.
Luscious Faces are what I'm trying to use but my girl looks nothin like the screenshots! I've tried everything I can think of, Archive invalidation reset, uninstalling all character texture mods and reinstalling, checking load order, hell I even deleted the high res texture packs that bethesda made! I know it's gotta be somthin simple I missed and I've looked all over google for a solution to no avail so here I am with my tail between my legs hopin someone will point out the obvious that I'm missing. 'Cause seriously vanilla lips don't even look that bad!