Same, But i though that there would me more people voting for twitter. I did think it wound get more that Facebook, but i only has like 2 votes.
I think it's because while Twitter is cool, Facebook has much more use for regular people like us. I don't use Twitter for anything except lolzing about famous people's quotes (@Charliesheen, @Broslife)
Some of the people in this thread are huge [censored] idiots, it seems. If you don't wanna hear people talk about their bowel movements or other inane crap, DON'T FOLLOW THEM.
Facebook can be nice to keep in touch with friends who live far away, but other than that it has limited use as far as I'm concerned.
Tiwtter has just about replaced RSS and news sites in general for me. So much quicker. It's also nice to get some meetups going.
Thank you for saying that, I was just about to post it haha.
Pointless, you can easily social network using xbox or ps3 (which im always on) :sweat: .
Cool more emotes since ive been gone...
That's not even close to the same thing. Can you get in touch with an old crush/flame over that? Plan parties and events? Chat easily with friends? See what everyone's up too? Get in touch with old friends?