» Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:10 pm
I'll be really surprised if there isn't actual beard system in Skyrim. Although I guess the team knew themselves that the "burnt mouth" look in Oblivion was terrible, as they went to the trouble of including actual facial hair options in Fallout.
Now as for what kinds of beards should be on offer, I want LONG, flowing beards. I want my warriors to look like Vikings on Steroids, and my wizards to look like Gandalf after being on some sort of beard rack. My characters should be able to look hairer than the animals they kill. I want them to drag on the ground. A hierarchy established based on beard length and thickness. No puny, smart, neat beards here. If your beard is too short, then the longbeards will attack you. The Nords need to look wild! The Imperials! The elves! Hell, even the Argonians in Skyrim need beards. Even if they're presented as "fake" props of some sort. The only people without facial hair should be the women. And even then, I think they need a bearded woman, or two, for lulz.
The beards need ragdoll physics, allowing them to get caught on various fixtures! They should be able to blind, bind and injure enemies. The beards should be able to catch every day objects, and be enabled for inventory storage! They need to be intricately detailed, with every single individual hair discernable! They need to flow delicately in the wind, wave gracefully in the water, and cast full and detailed shadows! Hell, this whole new engine should have been made specifically for the possibility of highly advanced virtual beards! :wacko: :wacko:
I just really want more than that horrible face paint...