Faction Ideas #2

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:15 am

BR - The Black Seals, Captain Rockwall
Empty lives of death and squalor? Says the one who calls himself "The Emperor" and what the hell is that supposed to be from, some Oriental place? No, my people know that they choose their own destiny. They will save themselves from you, and your stupid little power play.
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Luis Longoria
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:05 am

BR - The Empire, The Emperor

You speak as a disenchanted heathen, valuing senseless wars and combat, for temporary fulfillment, unaware of the implications, the pointlessness, unaware of the true destiny of your kind, to die, or become one with a new people, my people, my Empire, and this is what shall be, regardless of your ideas.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:26 am

The Sheuts - Egyptian concept of the shadow part of the soul.

I would like a Tusken raider type of people that live in caves, plateaus, and ant colonies. They figured a way to not be attacked by the ants by wearing outer raggs soaked in a mixture that includes ant pheremones that allows the ants to ignore them. They get most of their water through underground streams. They follow some Egyptian traditions due to their seeking of a simple way of life. they carve out glyphs and symbols of their own making into the ant tunnels they inhabit. They believe in using only technology that uses renewable energy like windmills, dams, and solar panels. Some of the more religious followers worship solar panels during the dawn when the sun hits the panels for the first time today and leave offerings for a good outp put of energy. The scientists in a way are considered to be like priests and perform their scientific duties of maintaining the renewable technology while making last rites to the dead. Ants are considered very sacred and the Queen is worshipped. Each year the head scientist/priest makes a journey to the heart of the colony to pay respects to the Queen. To prove ones worth into manhood the youths are sent blindfolded into the ant tunnels with a set amount of provisions and must find their way back, once they find their underground village they are then mature. To gain citizenship with the Sheuts you must go through many hard and mysterious rituals and for an outsider you must prove twice your worth and loyalty. you may never give away the loacation of their villages or be villified and cast out.

They favor stealth mostly and melee weapons as they live off the map and guns are hard to come by(If they use guns they prefer bolt action rifles or the sort long sitance). They have good survival skills and have a thing for collecting flame weaponry due to the mant ants they live with they create their own ant farms and raise the eggs. They use flame based weapons against most of the ant colonies due to the narrow tunnels and ease of burning them through bottle neck passage ways. Most live underground depending on the underground spring they dig up. But some have started to live in high plateus keeping watch over the area, the plateaus areas are mostly lookouts. They prefer places that has sandstorms so they can get around unseen much like the BOS use their bunker. They make their own homemade flamer fuel from some of the fire ant glands they find on fire ants. Whenever they leave they leave in disguise to trade for supplie in areas for things they can't get underground and if their hunting or patrolling the area they wear their dust brown raggs all over their body. Their faces shrouded with ocular goggles over their eyes to see through the constant dust storms easily. They have developed a high perception and good eyesight living in the dark caverns and creeping through the duststorms. They rely heavily on stealth and try not to make contact with the outside world, they just wish to live in piece and try to cultivate and make the land they keep producable. Many of them look down on tech horders seeing them repeat the folly of the pre-war civilzations. They wish to not be seen and isolated from other groups. Their goal is to live off the land in a simple means and use only a few of the technologies available and use more non-harming ways to produce things and heal the scars of the land. Many of the intelligent minds study deep into biology and more natural sciences to learn how to control the environment from a more conservative way.

Origins - Many of the tribe came from a band of scattered tribes or deserters fleeing from the legion they joined up with a ghoul following the leader was born beofre the war and used to be a professor from a well respected university his name was Simon Grells. They decided to nestle down into a great cavern and found a great underground spring watersource. After they were settled in their tents in this cavern they heard noises of digging and found ants trashing around they drove the ants back and made defenses. Grells was a naturalist who studied much about nature and biology. Due to his long life from ghoulification he was very intelligent and learned to crate the formula to keep the ants at bay. Now the borders of the great cavern village are lined with a soaked rags that keep the ants docile and ignored. He decided to lead this tribe of scattered people under a more naturalist way of life. After taking council with many of his ghoul party he educated them into these matters and decided to follow the Egyptian society and proclaim himself as some kind of god while the other ghouls who had learned much of the ways of science became his *priests*. Many of the human tribes are usually only educated to an extent and only a few chosen are gain the honor of learning into more of the sciences and reading from the sacred libraries of the old-civilzation because Simon was afraid if they learned to much they would make more machines to recreate another resource war that would scar the planet again. Keeping most of the populance under a banner of ignorance he let only a few select he trusted human and ghoul and alike. He prefers those selected at an old age to be heavily irradiated so they could be preserved and keep their wosdom and knowledge alive and strengthen it. He had the rest of the populance take to a banner of religion setting rules of how he was a God of death and sun. He took a new name(I'll find something suitable later) and ruled. He cared much for renewable technologies and focused only on those hating technology that destroyed or kept people lazy and greedy. He is afraid that if they gain to much knowledge that they would develope more technology that could lead to another repeating great war. He wears a headdress of feathers and wears many bandages to keep up with his appearance seeming to like some kind of undead spirit of immortality.

He still leads the tribe today.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:35 am

BR-Reapers, Barkeep

I guess you both need another drink *Fills up 2 glasses and slides it to them.*
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:12 pm

[updated - Again... - I think it's complete now.]


1. Faction name.

Official name: Blods

Nickname: Bloods, Blood Men, Deathsquad, Glorified Mauraders.

2. Faction morality.

The Blods are hard to describe, they're lawful neutral I guess.


Citizens of Blood City, tribals of Kayak Mountains, and Blood-Men of Bloodlands.

4. Allies.

Cayer's Slaver Guild

5. Enemies.

Kodiak Militia and Kodiak Circle Of Thought.
Justice Union.
The Creepers.
Brotherhood Of Steel.
Talon Company.
Wasteland Children.

6. Location.

Scottsbluff, Nebraska.
It's to the north, north, northeast of Denver.

7. Technology.

* Anti-Material Rifle
* Sniper Rifle
* Brush Gun
* Wattz 2000 Laser Rifle
* YK42b Pulse Rifle
* Impact Grenades
* Insta-mines
* Custom Blod 12mm SMG
* Blod Tesla Sword
* Blod Shock Knife

* I dunno how to describe it well but it's similar to Veteran Ranger Armor but not an exact replica, the gasmask, the leather, the cape, all there, but in a different design.
* Flexible Power Armor (Don't get the wrong idea, this is not a true power armor, it's a custom armor for one specific member in this faction, the armor itself is no bigger than a Combat Armor MK II, it's just that this member has a very fragile body and has to use this powered armor to even move around in, so it's a unique design.)

Citizens of Blood City are allowed to wear whatever they want to wear but everyone has to wear a coloured leather glove on one hand, the color indicates what kind of citizen it is and where he/she is allowed to venture in Blood City, the glove is of a unique detailed design and is very very hard to forge.

8. Organization.

The Blods is a nation of Blods, Blood Citizens and Blood Slaves.
Their beliefs, the Blods that is, is that the world is now in pieces and it's up to humanity to clean up and recycle what's left.

There are around 3000 citizens, around 200 Blods and around 600 slaves.

Blods military:
Blods do not have a lot of members in their military but all of those that they have have gotten top notch training and are all experts in a lot of areas.
Blods don't do "full on battle", they use strategies and guerilla warfare.
They also deal a lot with traps, sniping, demolition and decoys.
Truth is, if you ever see a Blod out in the wastes then you're probably already in the scope of another Blod member.
They're quality over quantity.
Doesn't mean that they're stupid though, if an army were to attack their city then it's quantity>quality, so most citizens of Blood City are given training in combat, so while they're usually civilians they are also their own army if the city were to be attacked.
But mostly it's the true Blods member which roll out in packs of dozens into the wastes to search for more things to recycle.
A pack of Blods can easily take out an entire gang stronghold though.
Hell, a pack of Blods could take on an entire city, they would probably not be able to conquer it on their own, but they're like rats, they crawl in the shadows and stay hidden until they decide to strike.
Basically, think of the Predator (from the Arnold Schwarzenegger flick.), that's what a blod is, now imagine a pack of a dozen set loose on a city.
They wouldn't be stupid enough to attract too much attention, it would take weeks, maybe months of people dying before even noticing that Blods are attacking them.
Not to fret though, the weakness of the Blods is their low numbers, if they are caught off guard then they are very vulnerable.

Blods are very direct and cruel with their laws in order to strike fear and order into it's citizens.
They also do not believe in jail, instead they think that people that has done crimes and are allowed to live should work their sentence off, but they consider calling it "work release program" to be untrue and just calls it slavery.
*Forced intimacy (the real word is censored) has the offender put in shackles in the city square where citizens are to stone him (or her) to death.
*Murder, a murderer is executed by reverse hanging. (They put the snare around the neck then have a powerful and fast device pull him/her upwards so fast that it breask the neck.)
*Stealing, depending on what was stolen and if he/she hurt the one he/she stole it from he/she might get anywhere from 1 month to 2 years in slavery.
*Trespassing, since Blods are at... War... With other factions the first time someone trespasses they just give the person a firm slap on the bum and lets them on their way, they do so so that the trespasser might let his/her guard down since he/she will think they are bad at guarding their city, the second time someone trespasses they are brought in for question, if the person is not found guilty he/she is put back on the streets, if he/she trespasses once more then Blods have his/her throat slit and fed to the Rad-Pigs.
*Assault, it depends on the situation but if someone seriously damages someone else, broken ribs, punctured organs, then the offender is put into slavery for 6 months to 5 years depending on how bad it was, if it's just a barfight and noone had any truly serious injuries then they're not charged but they are refused medical treatment out of principle, so no stimpacks if you decide to hit someone in a bar.
*Chem usage or drinking without a license to do so is charged by slavery from 1 month to 4 months.

Slave treatment:
There are two camps of slaves, the disciplined camp and the marked camp.
The disciplined camp are filled with slaves bought from Cayer's Slavers Guild and other slaves they have conquered.
These slaves are treated good, they get their own beds, a good set of meals, they're even allowed to play cardgames and dice in their quarters, sure they aren't exactly "free" but they are treated very good, unless... Unless they disobey orders or try to escape, if they do that they will be put in the marked camp.
The marked camp works along side the disciplined camp, but they are treated far worse, this camp consists of criminals or conquered raiders/bandits or people from the disciplined camp that has decided to not follow orders or tried to escape.
The marked camps' slaves all have a tattoo of a one quarter moon on their foreheads.
Why they work alongside of the disciplined camp is because while they treat the disciplined camp very well they need to strike fear into their hearts, they need to show what can happen to them if they decide to not follow the rules.
Marked slaves can, if disobeying enough orders, be shot during their duties.
The disciplined camps' slaves are all given 2 years to work, after two years are over for a slave he/she is set free.
The Marked Camps slaves are given 5 to 10 years to work, after those years are over he/she is also set free.
Either to become a Blood Citizen, or to just wander out into the wasteland, their choice.

Blood City is prosperous in every corner, they have huge water purifiers and water condensation units in vast amounts, they have farms that spread out far, tons of farm animals too.
Due to them recycling everything that is "junk" they have aquired a ridiculous amount of resources compared to others and have very skilled craftsman, technicians and engineers from Leason that work for them.
There is little to no fault in their economy.

Due to the Blods success they have had people come to their city from afar that wants the protection they can offer them.
Because of that they have so much knowledge collected in one place and so many resources at hand that they can produce anything from forks to jet to gun powder to energy cells to pacifiers.
And not only that but thanks to the people from Leason they have knowledge of revers engineering, so they are constantly looking for factories to disassemble and bringback to Blood City and rebuild it piece by piece.

Recycling process:
When Blods members have found something to recycle, be it a car or an entire apartment complex, they gives their intel to their leaders who then order an expedition.
This is what the slaves are used for, depending on what it is they're going to recycle they send an amount of slaves fit for the amount of items they're going to bring back.
Often two to four Leason contractors are sent with them to oversee the disassembling.
Whenever they find something of value, like let's say a water purifier, then they need to pick it apart piece by piece and be very careful with it's parts and remember it's design so that they can reassemble it back at Blood City.
The really hard work for both slaves, Blods and Leason contractors is when they find a small town of over 70 houses that they need to recycle, that can be hell for all three parties, for these occasions civilians are asked to work alongside the slaves, most civilians accept because the pay is very very high.

Citizens when accepted into Blood City are given an apartment for free and a list of available jobs, they are offered medical treatment if hurt and rehabilitation if an addict.
Citizens of Blood City has many entertainment venues like gambling, cigar lounges, gentlemen clubs, theater's, straight up bars and sports like "Molerat Race", Blood Arena and Unmentionables Brawl.
Generally citizens are happy within Blood City's walls.
They're well fed, has jobs, roof over their heads and even entertainment which is hard to come by in the wasteland.
Only thing that might turn people off is the cruel executions and slavery, but once one can get past those it's a truly great place to live in.

Conquering methods:
Blods have their set area around their city where they recycle everything they find to bring back, from paper clips to car doors to mailboxes.
Thing is, if Blods expand their border (which they will) then if you're on their land they will give you 3 choices, either you join Blood City, either you get the hell out of their area or you will be killed.
They have zero tolerance for discussion, if it's their area then it's their area, and they will continue their conquering quest of the lands no matter who is in the way.

Disposition of the dead:
Anyone who dies in Blood City has their corpse fed to the pigs.
The pigs eat the corpse and craps.
The crap is used as fertilizer for the farms.
Why they do this is because they consider it unnecessary to let meat go to waste.
But since they're not cannibals they're not going to eat the bodies of the dead.
Instead they're fed to the pigs, that way they don't have to feed pigs with other products which serve humans more.
It's practical, resourceful and economical while also very immoral.

Blood City is of course not going to be the Blods only city.
Their plans are to take over Kodiak and turn it into their second city.
Then do the same process that they have done around Blood City's area.
After they're done with Kodiak then they will move on to the next.

9. History.
In 2249 a mercenary group known as the Blod Chevy Mercs roamed the north of Scottsbluff where they fared war against a big mafia organization who had taken over the towns. After the war was over they decided to set up a new HQ in Scottsbluff, they set up water purifiers and started basic farming to keep themselves selfreliant, over time people came to this town and offered to help them with the farming and other duties while they did what their real jobs were. The Blods leader Blod Chevy had by the start of this rebirth of the town become ill and dying. His testament to the other Blods was to instead of just moving from faction to faction taking the "evil" ones down that they should set an example and be a beacon of light for the people of the wastes.
When he passed the group changed name to Blods in honor of their leader.

They began to recruit people from other towns, especially engineers and construction workers from Leason, their town grew tremendously fast as everyone helped out in rebuilding the ruins. A leadership structure was set up that the five eldest Blod members were to make the decisions for the people, the city and Blods themselves, the first and foremost decision for Blods was to recycle.
A decision which has been greatly beneficial but also cost them allies.

In 2291 their currently in dispute with several factions, one being the Wasteland Children, a city of super mutants which are their closest neighbours.
They've had several clashes with The Creepers, a terrorist faction which seemingly only wants to cause chaos to the area.
Though rare they have had clashes with The Brotherhood Of Steel, due to the BOS' code they aren't exactly getting along.
In the past they often clashed with Talon Company over merc contracts, though not so much anymore there are still old grudges still alive.
Their foremost enemy is Kodiak, a merchant organization which wishes to unify the towns with trading and security have their roots in that city, Blods have repeatably tried to make them change their mind about having Kodiak be Blods second city but to no avail, war is imminent.
Now Justice Union on the other hand is tricky, they know that this faction exist and knows what they are capable of, but they also know that making them an enemy would be costly, so they're trying to avoid contact until they're ready to make a diplomatic deal with them.

They have gained allies though.
Legion from the south, Dog Town, has shown interest in Blods and sent diplomats to gain intelligence about what the Blods stand for and what their views are, and they have been pleased, while not in direct contact with each other they have an alliance raised for when their borders reach each other.
The tribals of Kayak Mountains also earned respect for the Blods, they're guardians of the cursed Bloodlands, when other groups have arrived to bloodlands they have always caused war for them and the Blood-Men, but the Blods respected their wishes about leaving Bloodlands alone and has since been in an alliance with both the tribals and the Blood-Men.
They're in a bind now though, Justice Union has waged war on the lawless tribals and Blods might risk a lot helping the tribals while risking a lot by not helping them too.
They don't approve of how Cayer's Slavers Guild treats their slaves or how their methods for catching slaves is, but they still have an agreement over the slave purchase, Blood City needs slaves for the recycling process and Cayer's Slavers Guild brings them.

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Teghan Harris
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:54 am

BR-Reapers, Barkeep

I guess you both need another drink *Fills up 2 glasses and slides it to them.*

BR-Woodsmen, Ardal

Hello, sirs, sorry about earlier, I am new to this area and it's customs.
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Taylrea Teodor
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:02 am

BR- The Black Seals, Captain Rockwall
From the look of the guy, Rockwall knew not to attack him. If he was going to fight anybody, it wouldn't be this guy. Training since birth against the elements and creatures teaches you to know your enemies before attacking. Captain Rockwall drank some more out of his glass of rum and looked at the new guy. "Hey who are you aupposed to be?"
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:53 am

BR- The Black Seals, Captain Rockwall
From the look of the guy, Rockwall knew not to attack him. If he was going to fight anybody, it wouldn't be this guy. Training since birth against the elements and creatures teaches you to know your enemies before attacking. Captain Rockwall drank some more out of his glass of rum and looked at the new guy. "Hey who are you aupposed to be?"

BR- Reapers Barkeep

"Can't ya tell hes a hunter. From the look northern Elk trapper. A beast twice the size of a truck with huge horns. Well that's what ive been told. Never been far enough north. I know they live close to Alaska or some were up there."
Fills another glass and gives it to the hunter.
"Sorry the animals here arnt as fierce to hunt but head over to the sea plenty of them beastly catfish to catch."
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Anthony Santillan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:07 am

I would like to see a bootleggers faction..

Much like the Gunrunners in NV, they of course, make alcohol and would be replete with their own farmland for grains and fruits, distilery and mega sized bar and hotel complex as well as caravan company.
Its a source for a believeable economy and through embargo's and the like, could stand to be a great backdrop for a power struggle. Perhaps one of the well gaurded secrets is that they're making pure grain alcohol to uleash a fleet of Automobiles to completely take over trade for the reigon they deal in.
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Len swann
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:02 am

BR - The Empire, The Emperor

*Takes a sip from the drink* So... anyone want to play some poker? None of my Imperials will offer a good game.
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liz barnes
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:17 am

BR - The Empire, The Emperor

*Takes a sip from the drink* So... anyone want to play some poker? None of my Imperials will offer a good game.

BR- The Reapers Barkeep

Im not good at playing im more of a shuffler and dealer. *Takes out a deck and starts to shuffle*
Ill bet Ardal or Captain Rockwall be good to play aginst.
oh by the way That imperial guy over there I think has had enough to drink.
* Imperial drops out of seat and starts barfing*
Ill go clean it up.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:10 pm

BR- The Reapers Barkeep

Im not good at playing im more of a shuffler and dealer. *Takes out a deck and starts to shuffle*
Ill bet Ardal or Captain Rockwall be good to play aginst.
oh by the way That imperial guy over there I think has had enough to drink.
* Imperial drops out of seat and starts barfing*
Ill go clean it up.

No need, that is not an Imperial, but an impostor, this is a great crime towards the Empire, and he will not make it back to his place of residence alive.

*A group of Imperials enter and drag the drunken impostor away, screams of agony are heard not far away* *One Imperial returns and mops up the vomit*
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:21 am

No need, that is not an Imperial, but an impostor, this is a great crime towards the Empire, and he will not make it back to his place of residence alive.

*A group of Imperials enter and drag the drunken impostor away, screams of agony are heard not far away* *One Imperial returns and mops up the vomit*

BR-Reaper Barkeep

*The bar keep stairs ocwerdly and sort starts smirking*
I guess thats how spys are found hehe
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:28 am

BARKEEP! You just had that man killed by luring him into looking to deep in the glass :o

Or there's something with spies and their bad resistance to the effects of alcohol,
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Michelle davies
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:10 pm

BARKEEP! You just had that man killed by luring him into looking to deep in the glass :o

Or there's something with spies and their bad resistance to the effects of alcohol,

theres rules to the bar chat

there on the main page
please no more rule breaking
and I did not have him killed
that was the emperor
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:06 am

So wait, is gonna turn out into an RP or something?
Cause I think a "chat" might end up to be spam and will risk the thread being closed. (Not trying to be a buzz kill (For the love of Bruce Willis no Family Guy reference about "Buzz Killington"!!!) I just don't want a nice thread where we share faction ideas to be closed down due to something that could've been avoided fairly easily.)
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:34 am

BR- Reapers Barkeep

"Can't ya tell hes a hunter. From the look northern Elk trapper. A beast twice the size of a truck with huge horns. Well that's what ive been told. Never been far enough north. I know they live close to Alaska or some were up there."
Fills another glass and gives it to the hunter.
"Sorry the animals here arnt as fierce to hunt but head over to the sea plenty of them beastly catfish to catch."

BR-Woodsmen, Ardal
You're well informed, sir! Indeed I am a hunter, but I am on a..."Vacation", I wish to see a bit of this world and it's people.

*Turns to the Captain* Like you sir, you are a soldier, correct? You're armor is very intriguing, where do you hail from?

*Turns to the Emperor* And you sir, you are a man of great prestige are you not? I could tell by the way you walk and speak...And to answer your question, I have never played "Poker", is it anything like Euchre?
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victoria gillis
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:53 am

So wait, is gonna turn out into an RP or something?
Cause I think a "chat" might end up to be spam and will risk the thread being closed. (Not trying to be a buzz kill (For the love of Bruce Willis no Family Guy reference about "Buzz Killington"!!!) I just don't want a nice thread where we share faction ideas to be closed down due to something that could've been avoided fairly easily.)

Actually no The bar chat is basically used so we can get more into the spirit of are factions. Its in no way spam but actually a greater part of the thread to increase activity.
so its not rule breaking and its not spam
its a fun activity and it keeps things in order,
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:03 am

theres rules to the bar chat

there on the main page
please no more rule breaking
and I did not have him killed
that was the emperor

Sigh, rules...

'kay then.
BR - Loner!
BARKEEP! You just had that man killed by luring him into looking to deep in the glass!
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:41 pm

Actually no The bar chat is basically used so we can get more into the spirit of are factions. Its in no way spam but actually a greater part of the thread to increase activity.
so its not rule breaking and its not spam
its a fun activity and it keeps things in order,

Okay, just wanted to make sure. :)
(Seems it got moved, due to the evolution of this thread it might be more fitting in this forum.)
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:26 am

Okay, just wanted to make sure. :)
(Seems it got moved, due to the evolution of this thread it might be more fitting in this forum.)

I don't see how
this is not art work or fan fic
there ideas for factions.
It only fits in this forums a little bit.
SO please if a modderaters looking at this put it back
it has no business being here it is ideas there for it series discussion.
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:37 am

Sigh, rules...

'kay then.
BR - Loner!
BARKEEP! You just had that man killed by luring him into looking to deep in the glass!

I would like to say thanks for re posting this in discussion
now back to the chat

BR-Reapers Barkeep
Spys sould learn to hold there beer. and not barf on my freshly polished floors.
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:34 am

*Opens bar door, takes a seat*

"Howdy, I'll have whatever the guy sitting next to me is having, unless it's Vodka, that's some commie drink."
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:54 am

*Opens bar door, takes a seat*

"Howdy, I'll have whatever the guy sitting next to me is having, unless it's Vodka, that's some commie drink."

(follow rules next time but this time its forgiven)

BR- Barkeep
*looks at man next to him drinking the death mans mix*
"One death mans mix coming right up. wana brahmin burger with that"
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:56 am

BR - UDKNA Private

"Actually I'll have a Gecko Steak, what's in the Death Ma... uh, nevermind."
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Jessie Butterfield
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