» Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:12 am
I'd say house is the best leader for the wasteland (despite me of course), but for who is the best leader of his FACTION, I had to say the King. House does a good job, but he doesn't have much to "lead". He has a securitron army that blindly follows his commands, but they're limited in their interaction with people. He has the 3 big families under his thumb- but only at securitron gunpoint. Without the threat of securitrons, he is nothing. Even with his robot army, the 3 families all have serious issues that are threatening to house's vision that house is largely ignorant of or unable to correct without your help. Let's see, the Chairmen have designed a robot that can take over all of House's empire and are planning to take out House. The Omertas are planning a terror attack on the strip with the hope of weakening house so the Legion can take over, and the White Gloves are planning to start eating people again.
Doesn't sound like good leadership to me. However, with the courier to help out with the details, House's grand vision seems to be the best for the wasteland- only the courier is better if he adopts the same vision.
The King however leads his organization pretty well. When his men screw up, he takes responsibility, like when Pacer charges you to see him, the King pays you back. I though that was great. His organization allows everyone to be free to pursue his own will, while still having the security the gang provides. Probably the most benevolent gang I've seen, even the acts of violence can be resolved as long as you show the king that it's all a misunderstanding.
Worst is motor-runner. Sure, keeping his people hooked on chems for compliance works, and ensures new recruits all the time, but the result is one of the most brutal, senseless factions in the wastes. Fiends perpetrate such horrible acts on their fellow man in the name of sadism and getting their next fix. And it can't be a healthy lifestyle, especially when it leads to the courier taking an unhealthy interest in the fiends and wiping them out like I did.