Faction Leaders

Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:10 pm

Who do you think is the best and worst leaders of their faction?

I want to say House because I'm a die hard House supporter but I have to go with Caesar because he turned a really bad situation (being kidnapped by a tribe that was going to be destroyed by a bunch of other tribes) and turned it into one of the strongest empires in the Fallout Universe.

I have to say the worst leader is Kimball, the war he decided to start is very unpopular with most of the NCR citizens we see...

Pick who you think is the best and the worst.

EDIT-Also, please post your reasons why you think this leader's the best and that leader's the worst, discussion is good to have...
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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:57 am

What about the Brotherhood?

Edit: Ty.
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brenden casey
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:50 pm

What about the Brotherhood?

I knew I was forgetting somebody...
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:13 pm

Voted for:

Best: House. He seems to know exactly what's going on.
Worst: Elder McNamara, I just don't like him.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:10 am

Best: House

Worst: Kimball
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:19 pm

Best: President dike Richardson - A die-hard patriot who backed his genocidal plan with his own life and would give it willingly for what he thought was the survival of the human race; as deluded as the rest of his citizens but sincere as all hell.

Worst: Colonel Augustus Autumn - A cowardly, schizophrenic pansy who got everyone who decided to follow him killed in a foolish attack which it turns out was all for nothing as aparently the Enclave couldn't last without Eden and Raven Rock anyway so he just walks away from everyone he led to their deaths. Again, an honourless coward not fit to command latrine duty who should be at the end of a rope for treason.

EDIT: Probably should have read the OP, watch this space for an edit.
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loste juliana
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:15 pm

Best: President dike Richardson - A die-hard patriot who backed his genocidal plan with his own life and would give it willingly for what he thought was the survival of the human race; as deluded as the rest of his citizens but sincere as all hell.

Worst: Colonel Augustus Autumn - A cowardly, schizophrenic pansy who got everyone who decided to follow him killed in a foolish attack which it turns out was all for nothing as aparently the Enclave couldn't last without Eden and Raven Rock anyway so he just walks away from everyone he led to their deaths. Again, an honourless coward not fit to command latrine duty who should be at the end of a rope for treason.

EDIT: Probably should have read the OP, watch this space for an edit.

New Vegas Factions... I might start one on the Fallout Series about everybody.
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:43 pm

Best: Caesar. Started with nothing and ended up with a huge army who support him till death. And Caesar isn't his real name it's a title....
Worst: Eddie. Within 2 hours he and his guys already have a bullet to the head from a lv 5 courier.

Note: Why not House (as best)? Without the platinum chip he can't go and wage wars outside Vegas. His robots can easily be destroyed by NCR/Legion without
the upgrade.

Note: Yes man is actually the player himself who takes over. Yes man can't be considered a leader since it's up to the player how powerful he wants a Independant
New Vegas to be. (Same scenario as for House expect that Yes man is nothing till the last hour of the game..)
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:12 am

I'd say house is the best leader for the wasteland (despite me of course), but for who is the best leader of his FACTION, I had to say the King. House does a good job, but he doesn't have much to "lead". He has a securitron army that blindly follows his commands, but they're limited in their interaction with people. He has the 3 big families under his thumb- but only at securitron gunpoint. Without the threat of securitrons, he is nothing. Even with his robot army, the 3 families all have serious issues that are threatening to house's vision that house is largely ignorant of or unable to correct without your help. Let's see, the Chairmen have designed a robot that can take over all of House's empire and are planning to take out House. The Omertas are planning a terror attack on the strip with the hope of weakening house so the Legion can take over, and the White Gloves are planning to start eating people again.

Doesn't sound like good leadership to me. However, with the courier to help out with the details, House's grand vision seems to be the best for the wasteland- only the courier is better if he adopts the same vision.

The King however leads his organization pretty well. When his men screw up, he takes responsibility, like when Pacer charges you to see him, the King pays you back. I though that was great. His organization allows everyone to be free to pursue his own will, while still having the security the gang provides. Probably the most benevolent gang I've seen, even the acts of violence can be resolved as long as you show the king that it's all a misunderstanding.

Worst is motor-runner. Sure, keeping his people hooked on chems for compliance works, and ensures new recruits all the time, but the result is one of the most brutal, senseless factions in the wastes. Fiends perpetrate such horrible acts on their fellow man in the name of sadism and getting their next fix. And it can't be a healthy lifestyle, especially when it leads to the courier taking an unhealthy interest in the fiends and wiping them out like I did.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:13 am

Best: Caesar. Started with nothing and ended up with a huge army who support him till death. And Caesar isn't his real name it's a title....
Worst: Eddie. Within 2 hours he and his guys already have a bullet to the head from a lv 5 courier.

Note: Why not House (as best)? Without the platinum chip he can't go and wage wars outside Vegas. His robots can easily be destroyed by NCR/Legion without
the upgrade.

Note: Yes man is actually the player himself who takes over. Yes man can't be considered a leader since it's up to the player how powerful he wants a Independant
New Vegas to be. (Same scenario as for House expect that Yes man is nothing till the last hour of the game..)

I was assuming that Indpendant Vegas would be uniting every faction you can...
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:54 pm

The King however leads his organization pretty well. When his men screw up, he takes responsibility, like when Pacer charges you to see him, the King pays you back. I though that was great. His organization allows everyone to be free to pursue his own will, while still having the security the gang provides. Probably the most benevolent gang I've seen, even the acts of violence can be resolved as long as you show the king that it's all a misunderstanding.

The King has only but loyal servants...but Pacer his right hand man got him almost killed. As a good leader he should have forsee that.
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:33 am

House is the best. He is one of the smartest men in the wastes and knows what he is doing, most of the time.

Caesar is the worst. Senseless campaigns, sixism, slavery, and a lack of moral respect will get you nowhere in the long run. A government is needed, despite their occasional corrupt ways.
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Mason Nevitt
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:52 am

Note: Kimball is like any president of the U.S. -> Wages his wars in a place far away from the warzones.
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:53 pm

Best: President dike Richardson - A die-hard patriot who backed his genocidal plan with his own life and would give it willingly for what he thought was the survival of the human race; as deluded as the rest of his citizens but sincere as all hell.

Worst: Colonel Augustus Autumn - A cowardly, schizophrenic pansy who got everyone who decided to follow him killed in a foolish attack which it turns out was all for nothing as aparently the Enclave couldn't last without Eden and Raven Rock anyway so he just walks away from everyone he led to their deaths. Again, an honourless coward not fit to command latrine duty who should be at the end of a rope for treason.

Meh, IMO Richardson wasn't really good a leader since in the end he achieved nothing. He sat in his office, screwed his secretary and made flamboyant speeches to the Enclave (as noted by that Grayditch deserter). IMO the real dedication in the Oil Rig goes to Lt. Col. Curling since he is the only one of the big guys who achieved something in his lifetime. Richardson was an armchair general who became nothing but a bogeyman used to frighten children. Fancy speeches aren't going to change the world, actions are.

On the poll, I voted Best for King since he is the only one who truly cares about his subordinates and those he has sworn to protect. The worst is Yes Man since he seems way too risky to handle any management issues by himself. I was really disappointed when the Courier couldn't just take House's place as supreme ruler of Vegas. Instead we had to trust that badly programmed AI who can't say no.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:44 am

Meh, IMO Richardson wasn't really good a leader since in the end he achieved nothing. He sat in his office, screwed his secretary and made flamboyant speeches to the Enclave (as noted by that Grayditch deserter). IMO the real dedication in the Oil Rig goes to Lt. Col. Curling since he is the only one of the big guys who achieved something in his lifetime. Richardson was an armchair general who became nothing but a bogeyman used to frighten children. Fancy speeches aren't going to change the world, actions are.

I don't think that the word 'flamboyant' was used, that's Eden's territory; he didn't screw his secretary either, in-fact he makes a note in his Project speech specifically reminding himeslf NOT to hug her when he leaves the podium. President is the only one who can authorise such actions and he ultimately had the will to do so.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:19 pm

Can we please get back on topic? This is about New Vegas factions, not F2 or F3...
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:11 pm

The King has only but loyal servants...but Pacer his right hand man got him almost killed. As a good leader he should have forsee that.

The king leads by example. They're loyal because he's a cool guy and looks out for them, nothing more. Pacer is the king's biggest weakness because of his hotheadedness and ignorance, but I didn't say the King was perfect, just the best out of all the choices.

Pacer is a special case as he's the king's right hand mand, and pacer probably wasn't always bad- I think chems corrupted him.
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:13 am

The king leads by example. They're loyal because he's a cool guy and looks out for them, nothing more. Pacer is the king's biggest weakness because of his hotheadedness and ignorance, but I didn't say the King was perfect, just the best out of all the choices.

Pacer is a special case as he's the king's right hand mand, and pacer probably wasn't always bad- I think chems corrupted him.

Yeah I would want to change my vote for best leader to The King as well. I was more thinking of wich leader had the best qualities to take over New Vegas, wich is wrong ofcourse. And the King looks after his people...all his people (mission where you need to find out who harmed some friends of him) + you do get some goodies from him from time to time for your support. But he he has a temper to...I'm refering to the point he said:'I might have hit a few doctors'. (When he received the news they couldn't do a thing at the mormom fort for his dog, Rex.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:52 pm

The King runs a small gang and doesn't even know the name of the guy he's pretending to be...

Caesar knows all about Rome and mimics it in a Post-Apocalyptic form.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:01 pm

The King runs a small gang and doesn't even know the name of the guy he's pretending to be...

Caesar knows all about Rome and mimics it in a Post-Apocalyptic form.

And we all know what happened to ancient Rome and Caesar.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:06 am

And we all know what happened to ancient Rome and Caesar.

Caesar died because Rome became a demorcacy and he was assassinated by the people who wanted to keep it that way.

And many experts believe Christianty lead to the fall of Rome, CL is nowhere near either of those things happening...
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:02 pm

And we all know what happened to ancient Rome and Caesar.

Nothing is eternal. If you start counting from Caesar's days, Rome was one hell of an old empire when it fell.
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:54 pm

Nothing is eternal. If you start counting from Caesar's days, Rome was one hell of an old empire when it fell.

You have to count from the moment Caesar took control till the day he was betrayed. But it is as I must admit not to the point to compare ancient Rome with New Vegas.
But still....all those soldiers, (might I say the most are slaves) they don't believe in Caesar, from their childhood on they learn to fight and that it is a good thing to die for Caesar, their own opinions are supressed (hell they don't have them), so that's not a good leader to me. (well that depends what definition of a 'good leader' someone has ofcourse.)
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:34 pm

Best: Caesar, House and the King are all a part of my favourite five character list. But I went with Caesar.

Worst: Kimball.

Edit: What did Christianity have to do with the fall of the Roman Empire?
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:04 pm

Edit: What did Christianity have to do with the fall of the Roman Empire?

It's an old holdover theory from Gibbon that Constantine's embrace of Christianity sapped the fighting spirit of the Roman citizenry leading to an over-reliance on mercenaries and pagan foederati from outside the Empire's borders. There's no real evidence to support it and modern historians overwhelmingly disagree with it.
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