Nevana's is the most developed of the group.
How so? Seems Junipers mod was much better received
On PES Juniper gets 9.95/15 votes and Nevana 6.19/6 votes.
Are you sure your information isn′t pretty outdated? ^^
When searching which Twin Lamps mod to use for my current install I stumbled upon this thread:,%20Brother%20Juniper%27s%20or%20Nevena%27s.htm
And someone said:
Junipers Mod is a relict of the beginning times of MW-modding.
A time, when Gahns scripting guide was still in developement, advanced scripting due to the lack of the Tribunal extension near imossible and modders were still terrified by dialogue-editing.
Nevenas mod is much younger, much more refined and was developed with the art and feel of a true modding artist.
However Junipers Mod got updated to Tribunal too. Your answer reminded me of that post

And that would mean you′re about ~5 years behind ^^