I speak of the Companions, of the College of Winterhold, etc. Why are they designed with linear, preset quest series instead of solely having services and random, radiant quests? The majority of them were either haphazardly assembled and had poor plot lines. Skyrim is an open-world game, and as such, benefits more from minimalistic plots with story content generally the subject of the game world's backstory. I cannot understand why they insisted on railroading the player into linear questlines; this isn't like KOTOR or Final Fantasy with a focused setting.
I know they apparently ran out of time 11/11/11, but that doesn't explain why they chose to go with hastily written questlines (that hand you the meaningless title of leader at the end) instead of just leaving the guilds open-ended and gameplay-oriented. I mean, most of this game is very gameplay-oriented, so why weren't the factions given the same approach? After all, I thought they wanted to adopt a Daggerfall-style system with Radiant Story.