how do I make a faction, and upon attaining a rank in another faction, he gains a new faction.
this will sound a bit off, but follow me please.
in ooo, I am having a stacking error. I was told that EE uses a complex script to do something similar, but I am not that good a script writer yet.
when you join the mage's guild, you instantly get the rank of associate, so that is off the table, already gotten around.
when you gain the next rank, apprentice, you also gain the faction of MGApprentice.
now in OOO, items in the guild are set ownership or mage's guild, then rank. this as far as I know is causing a stacking error. what I want to do is just give the items in there a new faction instead of a rank.
when stolen, it will just flag as stolen, minus the rank, and should solve the stacking problem.
since each item in the guild is individually set with ownership, I dont mind going through and resetting them. even if its only for myself.
so, I repeat before I sidetrack myself again, how do I make a faction and then give it to the player upon attaining a rank.
its somewhere, but for the life of me, I can't find it