Source material:
These are facts/speculation on what the gameplay may include in F4 (remember to take ALL of this with a grain of salt folks, the game is not released yet. Will update thread as necessary):
Speculated Facts (based on trailer, E3 gameplay, and game mechanics)
- Dynamic weather (trees sway in the wind) including radiation storms (RAD damage during lightning).
- The lighting is more believable (shines through window frames etc).
- Skills have been integrated into the perks system.
- You will be able to rebuild the pre-war house that you start in at the beginning of the game.
- Their is a universal romance system present, so like Skyrim you can move into a home with a spouse etc.
- Having a baby and/or even getting married (the game mechanics are all there). This includes NPC's at your built settlements.
- Their are at least 12 companions.
- Companions cannot be renamed.
- Codsworth can become a companion. It's also possible this companion will be quite unique and at times unpredictable since it has gone insane (or malfunctioning).
- Another confirmed companion is a news reporter named Piper who helps you gain access to Diamond City... for a favor in return.
- An NPC named Preston Garvey can become your companion, but first requires that you complete a quest.
- Their is at least 1 super mutant in the game who can become your companion.
- Androids will play a huge role, both those that look like machines and those that appear human (the Cylons have invaded Fallout?

- The work stations are crafting (weapons/armor), modding (weapons), chemistry (medicine/chems etc), cooking, and power armor (equip/craft/repair/customize).
- You transfer items to your "crafting stockpile" for materials (no more carrying around dozens of useless misc items in your inventory). How this works is simple and here is an example, you find a wrench somewhere in the world, this item counts as 3x Steel and by transferring it to your stockpile at a workbench you get 3 steel to use for crafting weapons, armor and/or mods. Perks will be required for crafting advanced items.
- The different materials are as follows, steel, glass, fiberglass, adhesive, rubber, screw, spring, circuitry, fiber optics, plastic, crystal, gold, silver, wood, gear, cement, concrete, and oil.
- You can rename crafted weapons at a modding station at least once.
- VATS will be much more intuitive and relative this time instead of just being an exploited gimmick. The reason for this is because armor can now be equipped per body part (right leg, left arm, head etc) and each of these armor layers have their own defense value.
- You can attach muzzle mods to some weapons which allow them to inflict fire/electric/freezing damage.
- You can attach a muzzle to a laser rifle allowing it to fire in a cone at a cost to accuracy.
- Their is a gun barrel mod that allows the semi-pistol to fire on automatic.
- TV's with their own programs.
- Power armor has its own layered armor system and HP values.
- Power armor is more like a vehicle and includes an actual JET PACK which allows you to "super jump" at the cost of AP.
- Power armor has a "battery life" which drains over time, once fully drained it must be replaced before it can be used again.
- You can place a marker to summon a vertibird which can then transport you just about anywhere in real time. This is a late game feature however.
- Taking RAD damage reduces your max HP.
- You will have the dark choice of being able to destroy a town by firing a satellite (similar to Fallout 3 where you set off a nuclear bomb in Megaton).
- While looking through a sniper scope you can hold your breath to steady your aiming for a few seconds.
- Hair and clothing physics.
- The havoc physics system is far more realistic this time.
- Ghouls will continue to attack even after losing an arm or a leg.
- You can throw grenades without having to equip them in a hand.
Pure Speculation (based on opinion, observation, and theorizing)
- You survive for 200 years by cryogenic suspension and are the sole survivor of the vault. My theory is that life in the vault goes well for about a year but then the vault door automatically opens up slightly (vault-tec experiment) allowing radiation to seep through leaving you, your family, and most of the vault's inhabitants with only one option, to go into cryogenic suspension (supposed to be for a couple of years while the outside world heals but it ends up being 200 years). But then while in stasis the vault door still being slightly ajar is some how opened up completely and the vault is attacked by hostiles (raiders or other powerful faction?) and the cryogenic pods are deactivated forcing the vault dwellers to wake up at random. Many are killed (theirs many dead vault dwellers as you make your way out of the vault) in the process while others are kidnapped (including your partner and child). You of course learn of this and fight your way out of the vault and into the wasteland to begin your search. The vault door is closed when you actually leave so if the vault is attacked by an opposing faction they do close it in an attempt to seal you inside.
- Vault-Tec plays more of a role this time around, giving you the opportunity to bring their shady vault experiments to light as you traverse the wasteland.
- Lyon's faction from the Brotherhood of Steel are very likely present (the giant airship that gets shot down has the same logo).
- The Enclave remnants will likely make an appearance.
- It's possible that you are actually an android and you just have the "fake memories" of a real family person.
- Critical hits are no longer randomly triggered unless unlocked via perks.
- The karma system seems to have been scrapped, instead the dialogue is more dynamic and will shape your character's personality/reputation based on YOUR choices.
- Female NPC's gain weight while pregnant.
- Child NPC's grow up over time into advlts.
- You can sculpt/mold your char's body as well as the face.
- Your character can take showers.
- hardcoe mode (hunger and thirst etc) similar to NV.
- Melee ranged grapple attacks (not just the PC but also NPC's).
- You can place a marker and call in a vertibird, the vertibird may be able to drop off troops to act as a squad under your command but only for a limited time duration.
- No special ammo types, just regular ammo. It's also likely that ammo is weightless and cannot be dropped/sold.
- Stimpaks are hot-keyed, heal over time, and trigger a quick animation.
- Dual wielding could be included.
- Craft a crossbow able to be modded with special arrows.
- Power armor can be equipped with a jet pack thus it is possible that you can fast-travel in real time across the wasteland using it (picture Iron Man flying over a wasteland).
- Thor (marvel) lookalike is available as a preset...