Failed achievements

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:30 pm

Achievements are a fail here :(

I've completed a bunch of quests... But where are the achievements?
I am the Harbinger @ the companions... For some reason... I missed the achievement "Take Up Arms"
I am the Archmage... Well, same story.

For some reason, they started counting only after I updated the game... What the hell?

Is there someway to have those achievements back?
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Taylor Thompson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:24 am

Use of the console disables achievements until you quit to the desktop and start up the game again. If you use the console for something, save the game, quit out, then boot it back up. If you're one of those guys that likes to play with tgm on at all times, well then don't expect anybody to give you any accolades, neh?
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Kelsey Anna Farley
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:05 am

I actually don't use the console
I earned 28 achievements...
But some of them are locked... I didn't use console cheats...

The only time I used (TCL) it was because I wanted to go to Morrowind... It didn't work, so I logged off that time.
(And when I logged in I was inside, for some reason)

As I said, they started counting after the update 1.1 (long time ago)...
But only now I noticed those I missed.
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Floor Punch
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