» Sun May 15, 2011 1:33 pm
A LOT of us are having the same connection problems..... For me I either get the "failed to connect to host", or I get in a match for 30 seconds and then all the sudden I get an error message stating something like "internet connection was lost, please check your network connections". No ranked servers are working at all, so if you go into a ranked server, it will just be people sitting in the lobby, and nothing happening... No countdown to match start, no vote on the map, just people sitting confused and waiting for nothing to happen, because nothing will happen. lol.
The game is broke right now.... It svcks, and we are all frustrated. But really what can you do other than give Crytek time to get sh*t sorted, and get a patch out to fix this mess.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.... but.. as of now.... the majority of us are all stuck with no multiplayer.
Cool huh?