» Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:53 am
I have faith, mostly because it doesn't seem like the Team is "Under the gun" The same way there were in Oblivion, to shovel out the game in the arbitrary "Release" window for the console. Todd (And the whole team I'm sure) really want to get the game out on 11-11-11, but I don't think they "Need" to, in the same sense. They took an awfully long time to even acknowledge it was a project, I take that as a good indication they have a handle on the situation.
Also, this is the first time since really Daggerfall, that Bethesda is working with a platform it knows very intimately. It's kind of Arguable with Daggerfall, because of how rapidly PC technology was developing back then, but it's definitely the case here. For better or worse (I think for better) Skyrim is using older tech, to greater effect. I think, because of that we may not have the "Flashiest" game on the market, but I have a feeling this is going to be the console generation's "Shadow of the Colossus" so to speak. The game that comes in at the twilight of a hardware cycle, that shows us we had really just begun to learn it's capabilities.
And of course, it's Bethesda Game Studios. Even if I don't agree with all their design choices, I can't call any Elder Scrolls game, from Arena to Oblivion a "Failure".