» Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:34 am
I haven't seen any yet. Are you sure they weren't using Maximum Nanosuit or wasn't the fault of these terribly laggy Killcams? Another possibility is that you just svck. I'm sure they will come soon enough though.
I wouldn't call a headshot kill from one side of lighthouse straight to the other a terrible laggy killcam, like i have experienced it right after the patch. Its still cheaters using aim assist at least. Anyway cheaters got less, due to the server side changes that were introduced over the past 2 weeks, but don't expect 1.4 to dress any kind of cheater issue, since its pretty much just adressing gameplay issues.
I am glad Crytek adresses the cheater issues and maybe in some weeks we will finally see an almost cheat and hack free gameplay. It just needs time to get rid of them.
Lol, I have achieved this with the scar post 1.4, it's not hard.
I often get blamed for cheating because I'm better than a lot of people when I play my best, many of you people need to get over yourselves and realise you're not the best player in the world just because other **** FPS' have made it so easy for you in the past to feel that way.
Maybe you just need to turn vsynch off and get a real gaming mouse like my razer death adder 3500 dpi and see how much fun it is.
I have not seen a single hacker, I can vouch for this and will report the instant I see one.