Unfortunately, my game freezes after 1 - 3 hours of play. It doesn't CTD, the screen just freezes and the sound stutters until I manually restart my computer. This is frustrating me, because I have a small list of mods, the mods I use seem very well-made and stable, and I am doing everything I can (using BOSS, Wrye Bash, bashed patch) to make everything play nicely. I'm hoping someone can give me recommendations on something to try, or look at my mods and notice a problem that I am overlooking. Here they are:
Active Mod Files:00 Oblivion.esm01 All Natural Base.esm [Version]02 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm [Version 1.33]03 Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [Version 3.2.0]04 UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp [Version 1.0.0]05 Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp06 DLCShiveringIsles.esp07 Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp [Version 1.4.0]08 All Natural.esp [Version]09 All Natural - SI.esp [Version]0A Weather Debug Ring.esp0B Weather Debug Ring - SI.esp0C Enhanced Water v2.0 HD.esp0D DS Time Manager.esp [Version 1.1]0E Purge Cell Buffers - Loading.esp [Version 1.0.0]0F Living Economy.esp10 Living Economy - Items.esp11 Cutthroat Merchants.esp12 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp [Version 1.33]13 Amajor7 Imperial Furniture.esp14 JSRandomTasks.esp [Version 1.1a]15 Harvest [Flora].esp [Version 3.0.0]16 Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp [Version 3.0.0]17 gardening.esp18 Kyoma's Journal Mod.esp [Version 3.2.1]19 Quest Award Leveling.esp1A Quest Award Leveling SI.esp1B Quest Award Leveling SI - no forged items.esp1C Quest Award Leveling - Finger of the Mountain.esp1D Natural Hunger v2_1 by QF.esp1E Enhanced Grabbing.esp [Version 0.5]1F bgMagicEV.esp [Version 1.7EV]20 bgMagicSpellTomes_for_WryeBash.esp [Version 1.68EV]21 bgMagicItemSigil.esp [Version 1.68EV]22 bgMagicEVStartspells.esp [Version 1.68EV]23 bgMagicEVAddEnVar.esp [Version 1.68EV]24 bgMagicEVPaperChase.esp [Version 1.68EV]25 bgMagicAlchemy.esp [Version 1.57]26 bgMagicPotionNumberSoulGemValue.esp [Version 1.68UV]27 bgMagicShaderLifeDetect.esp [Version 1.68]28 Get Wet v0.92.esp** All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp [Version]29 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
I also use QTP3 - redimized. My system is plenty strong enough to handle the game:
OS - Windows XP SP2
Proc - Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 @ 3.28 GHZ
Video card: Nvidia 8800 GTS 512
My video drivers I know are fine. So far, I haven't been able to attribute my freezing to any mod in particular, because it takes over an hour sometimes just for the freeze to occur. However, the freezing has happened with Imperial Furniture deactivated, so I suppose that means it is not the problem.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Considering a mod like the stutter remover seems to mess with the game directly to try and decrease stutter, I'm tempted to disable it next to see what happens.