Fairly New player.. General Questions

Post » Fri May 10, 2013 3:23 pm

OK, So it's like this..

I have been on my first play-through for a little while. In the main story I am still following Benny to the Tops Casino. I decided to stop following him and explore a bit. I have about 6 active quests going right now. I have a few questions about those quests and just questions in general.

1, Is there ANY benefit to clearing out an entire group (Powder Gangers, Fiends)?

2, The Brotherhood dialog.. I chose to join the Brotherhood.. Will finishing this quest effect my NCR status?

3, Legion hit squads keep showing up, I guess they don't like me much.. One quest is asking my to plant a bug in the Legion camp at the lake. Considering I have Boone with me, I have NOT added any points to sneak since the start, AND the fact that I am Vilified by the Legion... Is there ANY chance of finishing this quest? OR should I just take Boone and wipe out the whole camp?? I did go in earlier and set some slaves free. But that was when they not hostile.

Thanks for your time!!

I'm kind of staying away from the Wiki's and such, I enjoy just playing at my pace and exploring. Just looking for a little guidance..

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Christine Pane
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Post » Fri May 10, 2013 9:30 am

1. fiends respawn so theirs no real 'benefit' there... other than if you're low level some have good loot. go to camp mccarren and someone will give you a quest involving 3 particular ones, before clearing the all out.

2. no

3. you don't have to do the quest now, save it for later. Since it's a stealthy quest (if I remember correctly) you should leave boone whenever you do do it otherwise he will alert them of your position . .


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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Thu May 09, 2013 10:57 pm

1 You can get great loot for clearing out groups of people

2 It should only affect your status if your are doing the ncr questline and choose to make an alliance with the brotherhood

3 If your a high enough level go for it and clear it out lots of good loot and stuff to sell

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Ross Zombie
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Post » Fri May 10, 2013 4:44 am

1: Well, it affects the ending. Other than that (and the experience), there's no real reason to do it unless that's where your character's RP takes you (has such disgust for the faction, going after "Three-Card Bounty", completing "I Fought The Law" in NCR's favor, etc).

2: The NCR will not be aware you've joined the Brotherhood. But if your character would fear them finding out, then do what should be do in that event.

3: Wearing a faction's uniform causes NPCs to treat you as if you're part of that faction with the exception of elite troops of that faction who can tell you're really an infiltrator. The only problem is Boone shoots the Legion on sight, ruining any attempt at disguise. The other caveat is not to do this at a location populated by the faction's enemies, such as an NCR base. I do not recommend wiping out this particular base at this time, but it's ultimately your call.

What I would do (Quest spoilers):


Final phase of "Eye for an Eye":


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Anna S
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Post » Fri May 10, 2013 4:07 am

1, I have noticed more Fiends and Gangers show up.. Respawn was a thought. This part of the Brotherhood quest is the first time I have been asked to wipe out a whole group. Going to try the armor/water trick. However, what is the "right" moment??

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Khamaji Taylor
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