OK, this looks awesome!
Here's my list of Five Things That The Patches Broke.
I'd like to verify which are fixed, which are not.
1. Mouse acceleration in menus. - Looks like this would be fixed by this, since the user isn't stuck with the latest .exe
2. Vats takes seconds to load. - Same. Shouldn't be there if using the old exe, right?
3. Vats accuracy way broken. - Same.
4. Sniper and other vats accuracy perks broken. - Same, right? Old perks fixed?
5. Ninja perk broken still. - this is the one I am curious about, was it broken right out of the box that it doesn't give the +15%? Is this tinkered with in anyway?
Tempted to go ahead and see if the DLC works with this. Not like the new patches give anything I give a [censored] about other than the right to download the new DLC. The esm files, yes, but the futzed exes make my cats cry. Really, you should see them. Poor kittens.
All of the above should be restored to their original condition and the DLC (at least O:A)
does work with the fake patch plugin. I have Anchorage.esm and both .bsa's in my Data folder though, so I'm not sure how things would work out with DLC if it's left in AppData...
I don't get the OA/DLC... ok, I must backup the vanilla .exe right ? But what's that 'and .esm in a folder containing the patch itself named after the version. ' about ??
You don't really have to back up the Vanilla .exe or .esm. I saved them to have an easy way to compare/contrast and test them, but you only really need the exe and esm. Just hold on to the v_1.0.0.15 patch in case you ever need it again.
Ok, I'm a bit of noob here myself with this. So just so I have this straight...
1) Install FO3
2) Patch using v (as linked on the first page)
3) Copy the Fake Patch esm into my Data folder
4) Install the Unofficial FO3 patch from the Nexus site
5) *Install Operation Anchorage
6) Using FOMM, Launch order should be: Fallout3.esm -> *FakePatch_v1.4.0.6.esm -> Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esp
And everything should work using VATS, right? Also I can use the DLC?
If I have the order wrong or am missing a step, please correct me.
*To get Anchorage, you
might need to have updated to 1.1, if only temporarily, as 1.1 updates that GFWL marketplace. If you've previously updated to 1.1, you might still be able to buy The Pitt using your setup.
*If you do get the DLC's and are going to use FOSE or end up moving the three files to your Fallout3\Data folder, load FakePatch_v1.4.0.6.esm right before Anchorage.esm instead.
Other than that, you should be good to go.