(Patch reversion kit) FOSE, DLC, UF3P, Mod friendly...
NOTE: If you have multiple graphics cards, you might not want to revert to as had fixes for SLI, in which case this probably isn't for you.
Description: This is simply an .esm file containing all the official edits to date applied to Fallout3.esm from the consecutive official patches. It allows the user to have their game effectively patched to minus the VATS changes seemingly introduced in the newer Fallout3.exe's, a quick fix for the interim until a newer patch is released. This allows for, if used properly, use of DLC, FOSE, and the last Fallout version which VATS worked as intended with, namely *;13418243;/fileinfo.html, and all in tandem.
*Note: Linked v_1.0.0.15 patch is the US version. I'm not sure where to find it for other regions.=\ (I'll add links if anyone can lead me to them)
Installation: Extract contents to Fallout\Data and activate via * making sure that it loads directly before, which you should have if you don't already. If you have DLC(s), however, load it directly after Fallout3.esm.
*Note: FOMM/FOSE will not load Fallout v1.0.0.15 if you're using FOSE and do not have the appropriate fose_1_0.dll. Also, you might notice FOMM will want to load other plugins before Fallout3.esm, so you'll also want to redate your .esm before playing. See more below... If using Fallout Script Extender, grab and the to accompany the .exe from patch v_1.0.0.15.
Redating your .esm or mods: After any official patch, your Fallout3.esm will be replaced. You'll either need to make your mods' dates newer (all different timestamps) or make your .esm's date older to keep everything working properly after setting up any given patch/reinstall. Use this to do so, just make sure you check ONLY the "modify date and timestamp" box and NOT the "Archive" or "Index" boxes which are checked by default.
DLC compatibility: Although the official patch is needed to acquire the DLC, the content, if, does not need the's patch to work provided you manually add the DLC .bsa's to your Fallout3.ini as described below. Imagine fully functional VATS in the simulator! To purchase the DLC, you must patch to the needed version, DL, then revert to, so I suggest backing up your .exe and .esm in a "" folder. After acquiring the DLC content through LIVE!, yank the .exe/.esm and replace them with the .esm/.exe
Note: Some have reported problems getting O:A to work properly unless FOSE was installed. If you have tried everything else to get O:A to work to no avail and don't have FOSE, I recommend installing it as there's everything to gain and nothing to lose by having it.
IMPORTANT - Manually adding archives to your Fallout3.ini:
If ever you download a mod which contains a new .bsa, you must manually add it to the sArchivesList= entry in the same manner as the DLC's.
Xbox LIVE! compatibility: Don't know and don't care. This does not add achievements to GFWL or do anything to it for that matter.
Patch changes to Fallout3.esm included in FakePatch_v1.4.0.6.esm (Bethesda edits)
- "Don't allow NPC Fall Damage" flag added to Megaton World
- New game setting added, sDownloadsNotAvail [GMST:0007EA19] with the Value/Data "View Downloadable Content"
- Updated NavMesh data
- Fixes for Big Town robots
- Fix for Fort Bannister Mr. Gutsy
- Various Dialog changes
- Ink container weight and value edits
- 12 minor edits to NPC's
- Changes to quest MS09
- 5 edited scripts
Future: Hopefully the next patch won't exhibit any problems so this temporary fix will eventually be unneccessary. IF the next patch either introduces new bugs or does not fix current bugs, I'll be sure to make an updated version of FakePatch available asap.
Thanks: ElminsterEU for FO3Edit, the tool with which this was made, the FOSE team for kicking azz in general and providing support for v_1.0.0.15, Bethesda for the game and numerous fixes listed above, Quarn for fixing so much other stuff in UF3P and figuring out the O:A .bsa solution, and, of course, God for making us all.
Feedback/help: If you encounter any problems with installation or getting everything working post here and I'll do my best to help or, if necessary, make changes to the FakePatch.esm or install instructions. I've tested with the newest version of FOSE including the the fose_1_0.dll with Fallout3 v_1.0.0.15 .exe/.esm and O:A and all works fine.[/b]