Previous Threads:[src=""]I[/url], [src=""]II[/url], [src=""]III[/url]
FOSE, *DLC, UF3P, Mod friendly
*Broken Steel is somewhat... iffy.
[src=""][u]Pic in FO3Edit[/u][/url]
NOTE: If you have multiple graphics cards, you might not want to revert to as have fixes for SLI, in which case this probably isn't for you.:deal: +-->
- [u]Contents:[/u] FakePatch_v1.5.0.22.esm and FakePatch_v1.5.0.22.txt
- [u]Description[/u]: This is simply an .esm file containing all the [src=""][u]official edits[/u][/url] to date applied to Fallout3.esm from the consecutive official patches. It allows the user to have their game effectively patched to minus the VATS changes introduced in the newer Fallout3.exe's, a [s]quick[/s] fix [s]for the interim until a newer patch is released[/s]:(. This allows for, if used properly, use of DLC, FOSE, and the last Fallout version which VATS worked as intended with, namely v1.0.0.15, and all in tandem.
- [u]Installation[/u]: Reinstall Fallout and patch to [src=""][u]v_1.0.0.15[/u][/url], then extract contents of Fake Patch to Fallout\Data and activate via *[src=""][u]FOMM[/u][/url] making sure that it loads directly after Fallout3.ESM and before [src=""][u]Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch[/u][/url], which you should have if you don't already.
- Note: FOMM/FOSE will not load Fallout v1.0.0.15 if you're using FOSE and do not have the appropriate fose_1_0.dll. Also, you might notice FOMM will want to load other plugins before Fallout3.esm, so you'll also want to redate your .esm before playing. See more below...
- [src=""][u]FOSE - Compatibility[/u][/url]: If using Fallout Script Extender, grab [src=""][u]v.1.1 beta 6[/u][/url] which they've kindly included a support .dll to accompany the .exe from patch v_1.0.0.15.
- [u]Redating your .esm or mods[/u]: After any official patch, your Fallout3.esm will be replaced. You'll either need to make your mods' dates newer (all different timestamps) or make your .esm's date older to keep everything working properly after setting up any given patch/reinstall. Use this [src=""][u]Attribute Changer Utility[/u][/url] to do so, just make sure you check ONLY the "modify date and timestamp" box and NOT the "Archive" or "Index" boxes which are checked by default. Also, FOMM has a date changing function, so simply drag Fallout3.ESM to the very top of your load order and it should then be the oldest is its attributes will be automatically changed..
- [u]DLC compatibility[/u]: Although [s]the official patch is needed to acquire the DLC[/s], the content, if [src=""][u]Playing DLC offline[/u][/url], does not need the or patch to work provided you manually add the DLC .bsa's to your Fallout3.ini as described below OR you can extract all contents of the .bsa's to your Fallout 3 \Data directory with FOMM. Imagine fully functional VATS in the simulator and Pitt! v1.5.0.22 has a new RemapWaterType function which will take some doing to ...fake. As an example for the water switch, plug [src=""]THIS[/url] in, hotkey the Party Hat added to your inventory when the game starts, ~player.moveto 420, then put on the hat and [src=""]look at the water[/url]. Take it off and [src=""]look again[/url]. This, provided the new function is for swapping the water after spoilerish stuff, could be used on a grander scale to make the same change by different means. This will take a little while...
- Note: Some have reported problems getting O:A to work properly unless FOSE was installed. If you have tried everything else to get O:A to work to no avail and don't have FOSE, I recommend installing it as there's everything to gain and nothing to lose by having it.
- IMPORTANT - Manually adding archives to your Fallout3.ini: [quote name='Quarn' post='13941048' date='Mar 9 2009, 05:07 PM']They only implemented esm\esp loading of BSA's when THEY needed it (for the release of OA in v1.1), so what does that mean? it means if you are using the v1.0 exe you have to add Operation Anchorage's BSA's to the sArchiveList in Fallout.ini.[/quote]
- If you have Operation: Anchorage:
- If you have both The Pitt and Operation: Anchorage: There is a 255 character count limit for .ini entries. To shave a few characters, rename your ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa to AII.bsa and change your Fallout.ini accordingly. AII will work exactly the same, but getting the character count under 255 will allow for all the DLC .bsa's to load properly.
- Note: If ever you download a mod which contains a new .bsa, you must either extract its contents to Fallout3\Data with FOMM or manually add it to the sArchivesList= entry in the same manner as the DLC's. [src=""][u]This handy utility[/u][/url] will check for .bsa's and do it for you.
- Note: The spaces after the commas aren't needed, nor are the spaces before and after the hyphens provided you change the names of not only the archives but also the .ini entries. GECK's .ini will also need to be updated if you condense the archive names. Here's a guide to [src=""]Mega Condensing .bsa's[/url]. Alternatively, you can extract all your DCL .bsa's to a temp folder then repack them with FOMM into a DLC.BSA or just extract them all to Fallout3\Data and play them like normal mods.
- The Pitt's Ammo Press: If you have problems with the ammo press in The Pitt, either load it before Anchorage if you have both DLC's or use this [src=""][u]mod[/u][/url] to fix it.
- Broken Steel:
- Here's [src=""][u]RemapWaterType.esp[/u][/url] Plug it in after you enter Jefferson Memorial but before you activate Project Purity. As it turns out, the new function is necessary for it to be done w/o a separate plugin editing the worldspace records, activated in a timely manner. Over time, this plugin will be refined, but does remap the seven instances where DLC03TBPotomacWater is swapped with DLC03TBCleanWater in BrokenSteel.ESM by the new function, RemapWaterType.
- Also, here's a [src=""][u]plugin[/u][/url] which undeletes, adds/removes "initially disabled" parent markers to/from the 34 "deleted' REF's in BrokenSteel.ESM. Just in case they cause anyone grief.
- Save frequently while wrapping up "Take It Back" as it has been reported Lyons will sometimes not follow.
- Here's [src=""][u]RemapWaterType.esp[/u][/url] Plug it in after you enter Jefferson Memorial but before you activate Project Purity. As it turns out, the new function is necessary for it to be done w/o a separate plugin editing the worldspace records, activated in a timely manner. Over time, this plugin will be refined, but does remap the seven instances where DLC03TBPotomacWater is swapped with DLC03TBCleanWater in BrokenSteel.ESM by the new function, RemapWaterType.
- Note: Some have reported problems getting O:A to work properly unless FOSE was installed. If you have tried everything else to get O:A to work to no avail and don't have FOSE, I recommend installing it as there's everything to gain and nothing to lose by having it.
- [u]Xbox LIVE! compatibility[/u]: Don't know and don't care. This does not add achievements to GFWL or do anything to it for that matter.
- [u]Future[/u]: Hopefully [s]the next patch won't exhibit any problems so this temporary fix will eventually be unneccessary[/s]:(. IF the next patch either introduces new bugs or does not fix current bugs, I'll be sure to make an updated version of FakePatch available asap.'s fixes were all in the .exe, so there won't be a Fake Patch_v1.5.0.22 until some other things can be added, namely the RemapWaterType work-around and a means of safley raising the level cap to 30. When these are ready, a FakePatch_v1.5.0.22 will be available.
- [u]Thanks[/u]: ElminsterEU for FO3Edit, the tool with which this was made, the FOSE team for kicking azz in general and providing support for v_1.0.0.15, Bethesda for the game and numerous fixes listed above, Quarn for fixing so much other stuff in UF3P and figuring out the O:A .bsa solution, and, of course, God for making us all.
- [u]Feedback/help[/u]: If you encounter any problems with installation or getting everything working post here and I'll do my best to help or, if necessary, make changes to the FakePatch.esm or install instructions. I've tested with the newest version of FOSE including the the fose_1_0.dll with Fallout3 v_1.0.0.15 .exe/.esm, The Pitt, and O:A and all works fine. Broken Steel might take some doing, but will work once the water swap thing and level cap are ready.
- [u]STEAM users ONLY![/u]: Your Fallout 3 cannot be reverted as STEAM automatically updates to the newest version. Usually, this would make perfect sense, but... :shrug: There's a * Fallout3.exe on the download page to be used with your 1.4 install. You might intermittently experience difficulty upon startup getting your mouse to respond in the main menu and/or have problems with the title music following you into the game when using a mismatched Fallout3.esm. If this happens, open your Pipboy and select a radio station, then turn it off, then all will work fine, including VATS.
Although patch did, thankfully, fix the below VATS perks, it's exhibiting other [src=""]problems[/url], particularly with user made mods. Note that doesn't allow for successful targeting of grenades/missiles, so still has its allure.
- VATS perk bonuses (v_1.0.0.15)
- [src=""][u]No Gunslinger[/u][/url] | [src=""][u]Gunslinger[/u][/url]
- [src=""][u]No Commando[/u][/url] | [src=""][u]Commando[/u][/url]
- [src=""][u]No Concentrated Fire[/u][/url] | [src=""][u]Concentrated Fire[/u][/url]
- [src=""][u]No Wired Reflexes[/u][/url] | [src=""][u]Wired Reflexes[/u][/url]
- [src=""][u]No Sniper[/u][/url] | [src=""][u]Sniper[/u][/url]
- [src=""][u]No Gunslinger[/u][/url] | [src=""][u]Gunslinger[/u][/url]
- VATS perk [s]bonuses[/s] (v_1.1.0.35/
- [src=""][u]No Gunslinger[/u][/url] | [src=""][u]Gunslinger[/u][/url]
- [src=""][u]No Commando[/u][/url] | [src=""][u]Commando[/u][/url]
- [src=""][u]No Concentrated Fire[/u][/url] | [src=""][u]Concentrated Fire[/u][/url]
- [src=""][u]No Wired Reflexes[/u][/url] | [src=""][u]Wired Reflexes[/u][/url]
- [src=""][u]No Sniper[/u][/url] | [src=""][u]Sniper[/u][/url]
- [src=""][u]No Gunslinger[/u][/url] | [src=""][u]Gunslinger[/u][/url]
- Also, 1.1/1.4 introduced a weird animation bug where NPC's hold their weapons in an [src=""][u]odd manner[/u][/url].
- Before, you could target midair [src=""][u]grenades[/u][/url] and [src=""][u]missiles[/u][/url] with VATS and not invariably get a [src=""][u]0% chance to hit[/u][/url].