In my opinion, this is irritating. Why, e.g., the bottom of a deep valley should be bright, although no sun is shining onto its surface (because the surrounding terrain/mountains hides the sun). But the game engine calculates the brightness only based on the normal map, which uses only the local slope, not the overall terrain structure.
Here are 3 examples, taken in the morming, at noon, and in the evening:
What I mean... One can look to the saddle between the mountains. They look 2 dimensional.
A different example (out of many already in this single viewpoint): at 18 o'clock (the sun is coming from west), the way up to Bruma is illuminated, but is should be in the shadow of the hill.
What I tried is to fake the normal maps such, that the shadows of the surrounding landscape is taken into account. Here is the result:
(one has to see the screenshots fullscreen to really make a judgement on the imrovement)
It is a subtle effect, I agree. But I hope it can make the landscape looking more "3-dimensional".
Has somebody tried already such a work?
PS: The Vanilla version is 512x512, the new normal maps 2048x2048, therefore the comparision is maybe not 100% fair....Nontheless, a better resolution will not make it much different.