Dx 10 fallback? rumors? logic?

Post » Sun May 08, 2011 12:17 am

Is there any chance that we people with DX10 cards can use that Patch also?
Or will it be Dx11 only? I mean it would be nice if we could at least use the features our cards can offer ..
A rumor stated somwhere around here told that no Dx10 fallback is planned and Dx10 cardowners have to upgrade if we want new features.
Or is it logically given that there will be a fallback because Dx11 indicated Dx10 features?
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 8:48 am

I would advise all people to not create dx10 threads but wait till we have some info about what is in the dx11 patch. Maybe then they can say if dx10 can be used. Everything people will say now is rumors and speculations like sites with bad info.
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P PoLlo
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 10:06 am

You cant stop the progress anyway.
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 9:27 pm

You cant stop the progress anyway.

Not really , I was lucky to skipp DX10 wich was utterly garbage :) Dx9 and 10 there were only very minor differences.

Maybe next year there is windows 8 with dx11.1 or Dx12...

Dx10 didn't last long of there was dx10.1 then dx11.

fast world, choose wise when u upgrade and for what.
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 5:43 am

DX11 is nearly 90% backwards compatible with DX10. DX11 is more like DX10.5. The way the API's are intertwined and due to the vast redundancy in features between the two, it's extremely hard (if not near impossible) to program a game which will use DX11 but NOT DX10. The amount of extra work to do that is HUGE. Only one game has done this so far - DIRT2, and the reason was ATI payed Codemasters a lot of money to lock out DX10 to showcase their new DX11 cards.

Doing so cost a lot of money, wasted a huge amount of time, delayed the game, made the thing extremely hard to program, and resulted in limited DX11 visuals.

So unless NVIDIA did the same thing and the $2mil they gave Crytek went for the purpose of locking out DX10, then it would be illogical, uneconomical, and insanely hard to make Crysis 2 only a DX11 game with no DX10 support.

DX11 was designed to use DX10 to it's fullest potential and then tack on additional features like Tessellation and GIL. Due to the way they two API's are designed and are interdependent on each other, I will be extremely surprised and disheartened if there is no DX10 support.

Creating a DX11 only game would be equivalent to basically rewriting the entire DX11 API.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 6:49 pm

well considering the DX10.dll files are already in crysis 2 i would guess that DX10 will be implemented.
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 11:39 pm

GUYS.....DX10 card users listen here.

If you run a game on DX11 on your DX10 card IT WILL WORK with all of the DX10 features ALONG with a few DX11 features (BUT NOT ALL OF THEM of course, just a very limited amount of DX11 features).

Now stop making posts like "DERP can we get DX10 O_o".....
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