|||||||||||||||| - Your speed hacking just wasn't quick enough.
piskopat (the whole gaggle of them) - Im sorry to have killed you all only to take the relay baton so you could no longer boost. I was disappointed when you left every time I joined in your game. If you want those pretty stats, you gotta work harder.
I_Perfect_Sniper - You could benefit from some anger management.
~bboy-in-da-house~~ Your time was coming and you got what you deserved. Your c4 trick was a one trick pony. I especially like the rage comment and quit. "aimbotting and still died 4 times" True, but what you didn't mention was that you only killed 4 ppl (ME) and died 29 times lol. Your day was coming

``bullets@find@you -- Masskill didn't work out so well for you did it.....lol
DESKMASK - You can fly as high as you want but you can't hide from me as you saw, painfully I might add, over n over again.
Maui_Hawaii_usa- I was disappointed and I expected more.....oh well
despota - When I wasn't busy killing you, all the other players were busy trying to kick you.
cpl_darktemplar 666- You had the best comment of them all. "WHAT ABOUT BOOMIJUSTSHOTY@U?" svcks when it happens to you lol. You rage quit every server I joined.
BUTCHER_00 BUTCHER_411 - amateurs
All of you have something in common. You pull the whiney blubbery teen card when you get schooled at ur own game which in turn really made my brief return all too much fun.
Until next time, if there is one.
Your friend (on some creepy and warped level) BOOMIJUSTSHOTYOU