» Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:12 am
Oh man. I have been to doctors and counsellors to try and help with my sleep problem. There are a lot of different things you can do, some of them may seem obvious and you might already know 'em, but hey. I know you said it's an emotional thing, being at that house, but I'll throw a bunch of ideas out there anyway.
Don't consume caffeine in the afternoon. Caffeine can take up to (and over) 6 hours to fully leave your system. I've made myself a rule to not have caffeine after 12pm if I want an early-ish night.
Don't have sugary snacks or food before bed. Also, do not have a large meal before going to sleep. Have your meals earlier in the afternoon, and a light snack before bed. Don't go to bed really hungry, and don't go to bed really full.
Stay off the computer, don't watch TV or listen to energetic music in bed. If you need music, make it somthing real soothing. It's recommended that bed be kept for nothing other than sleeping and intimate relations.
Have a warm/hot shower or spa right before going to bed. The sudden changes in temperature can make you feel sleepy and this can help.
Burn some lavendar scented oils, use a lavendar scented pillow, or put lavendar oil on your temples/top lip (i'm skeptical bout this one but hey, it might work.)
Make sure it's cool in your room. If you're too hot (or too cold) you're gonna have trouble sleeping.
Read a book, magazine, or something, this might help you if you find being angry keeps you awake, if you have a really good book it might help keep your mind off things.
Apparently, having a routine is very important. This routine lets your body know it's bedtime. Have dinner, shower, brush your teeth, hop in bed, all that sort of thing, at around the same time every night.
Possibly the best thing you can do, and the only thing that sometimes works for me, is to force yourself out of bed at a reasonable, but not overly early, hour. Make sure you're fairly active throughout the day, don't have any naps, and don't go to be too early. I find, personally, if I'm way too overly active during the day, I still can't sleep at night. If I nap even for ten minutes, I barely sleep that night, and if I go to bed too early I wake up an hour later and can't get back to sleep. I find that I can't sleep after I've worked, as I have a very physical job (Housekeeping. Yes, that is very physical) and won't sleep easy that night.
If the bed is the problem, maybe you will find it beneficial to buy your own bed for at your mum's place. A new one might be too expensive, but you can get some decent second hand ones, and some places will get them cleaned professionally before they sell them so you don't need to be disturbed by whatever's on the mattress. Even just getting a slightly more comfortable mattress for the base you have might help. If you can't afford it, have a very calm and rational conversation with your mum about perhaps buying a new mattress. Lack of sleep can be an insanely difficult thing to deal with, explain this to her, perhaps over a morning coffee when she's relaxed.
Also, perhaps, try and get out of the house as much as possible during the day. The less time you spend inside, the less you'll be dwelling on how much it svcks.
Err, sorry that was so long. You probably won't read any of it, but maybe if you skim read something might stand out that you wanna try.