Ok I just watched the demo video from e3 over again to show it to my friend and I noticed that when the giant was falling from being dropped by the dragon it looked really bad. I mean REALLY BAD!! In OB I rarely walked in 3rd person but when I did I noticed that I looked so stupid when I jumped or fell. I mean, when you jumped you just float up and back down without moving legs/arms at all. In Red Dead Redemption (which is a bad comparison I know) you notice that you crouch down and jump up while fluidly moving arms and legs when jumping onto an object. The bad thing about this is that it takes like 3 seconds to jump which doesnt sound like much but its annoying and longer than you think. I want it somewhere inbetween where it takes the same ammount of time as OB and also lets you jump while moving, just let your arms move fluidly instead of going from a standing or running motion to that one stance you take when your in mid-air. Let me know your opinion but no trolls!!!
everyone cries about the giant, but it didn't bug me at all, what did bug me was the pinball draugr when hit with the lightning spell. One even flew toward the PC when it was shot in the back running away.
I do agree, everything in that trailer looked so awesome except for that giant who ruined the party But I'm not that concerned, I'd rather have more and better gameplay content.
Agreed, yet it was a beta demo... I hope the animations will be fixed for release =/ i mean, if modders can fix it in oblivion then there really is no excuse...
My theory is that Nirn is a smaller planet than Earth, and thus has lower gravity. That's why you can run while carrying so much stuff, fall so far, jump so high, and swim in plate armor.
our opinions were given during E3 when we all commented about it lol. I am just pulling your leg man I know there are some new peeps to the forums. To give you a real response though yeah.. I mean the giant being dropped did look pretty bad but it is something I personally can overlook when I know the game itself is going to rock my spiderman pajamas off.
1st off this has been discussed and put an end to already the giant was in a free fall straight down he couldn't move because he was killed on impact, and its actually perfect big creatures like i would say tall humans are not that fluid when moving especially when they are heavy like the giant which was dead it can't go into major rag doll which it was impossible.
Its one of those easy to fix things (ok I dont know how easy but I assume that it couldnt be too hard to fix something so small) though that annoys the crap out of me. The thing about floating down isnt a problem in fact I kinda of like it.
My theory is that Nirn is a smaller planet than Earth, and thus has lower gravity. That's why you can run while carrying so much stuff, fall so far, jump so high, and swim in plate armor.
My theory is that Nirn is a smaller planet than Earth, and thus has lower gravity. That's why you can run while carrying so much stuff, fall so far, jump so high, and swim in plate armor.
My theory is that Nirn is a smaller planet than Earth, and thus has lower gravity. That's why you can run while carrying so much stuff, fall so far, jump so high, and swim in plate armor.
But in TES2 you drowned pretty fast OMG it seems that gravity somehow is related to game world size. Now THAT makes sense
I'm glad it isn't perfect. Tells me that the devs spent time on more important matters :tongue:
I like your philosophy. :thumbsup:
Truth be told, it's a detail to me. When I saw the dragon flying and moving on the ground, he looked real and impressive. And I think i'll be seeing dragons fighting more often than giants falling...