I haven't played Skyrim for a very long while for various reasons, until today when I felt like venturing into the social life consuming void that is the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
I chose a save at random, which happened to be my level 56. Bosmer archer with a fancy for alchemy and enchanting things, and set about my business. This mainly consisted of wandering around the Whiterun tundra until something happened. I came across fort Greymoor and decided to launch an attack, I picked off the sentries with a few well placed arrows and made my way cautiously inside. I spotted a man bandit and despatched him, again with a quick volley of arrows. This drew the attention of all of the other bandits in the fort and thus ensued an bloodbath. I managed to take care of two of my attackers but more bandits filled their place, I got badly blooded up and was down to a quarter of health so I delved into my inventory in search of health potions... I had none.
I decided to beat a hasty retreat to the outside of the fort, where I came across some Whiterun guards. I was pleased to see them as they would aid me in my fight, but they evidently were not pleased to see me. They attacked me on sight which did not help things, even worse was that both the bandits and the guards had a mutual hatred of me so rather than attacking each other they vented their anger on me alone. So I decided to beat an even hastier retreat across the rugged terrain whilst franticly healing myself with a healing spell to no great effect. What followed would have been a more likely occurrence in something involving Benny Hill.
First some Thalmor turned up, strangely they didn't like me either and they proceeded to chase me along with the guards and bandits. Then in no particular order a Spriggan, two wolves and two sabre cats appeared adding to my misery. Things, it could be said, were not going well... I was on low health, low on stamina, low on morale and was a bit downtrodden that upon my first visit back into Skyrim no-body liked me *sniff* So I decided that the only option was to stand my ground, I quickly went into my inventory and discovered that my Bosmer's skill in alchemy had paid off when I found some powerful poisons, I tooled up and got ready for a fight.
First to test my new found courage were Spriggan and friends. I used my bow to take out the two wolves and proceeded to kill one of the two sabres that were after my elf blood (which is found to be purer than that of humans I am told) The other Sabre managed to get a few claws at me and reduced my health a little but I eventually brought it down. At this moment the rest of the group arrived with giant in tow, which managed to distract some of my attackers and gave me time to regroup. I dowsed my bow in a strong poison and set to work. First I sniped at a Thalmor Justiciar and brought him to his knees (something which elves are not used, unlike humans) and then fired upon the guards, killing one and seriously wounding another. The fight became close quarters so I unsheathed my two elven knives, dosed up on skooma and charged in to the fray. I went in flailing at anything that moved and killed a guard and another Thalmor. The fight began to thin out as more and more fell under the weight of battle, the giant accounting for many of the fallen (or risen, depending on how you are killed by a giant)
The fight began to turn in my favour as the entire group of bandits had either been killed or had routed and there was only one guard and one Thalmor soldier left. But by now I was dangerously low on health, I had only lasted this long by eating all of the potatoes and carrots in my inventory along with a regular intake of skooma. I turned to the remaining guard, who must have been terrified that a crazed, elf supremacist, skooma addict charged towards him. I brought him down with a flurry of my elven blades, his weak Nordic body flopping pathetically onto the ground. I turned to the remaining Thalmor and routed him after a few swings. All that was left was the giant...
This whole experience brought back to me the endless possibility of Skyrim, that feeling of complete overwhelming where you do not know what will happen or who you will meet or which Redguard in Whiterun you will murder. I have to admit when Skyrim first came out I had my doubts as to whether or not it was to be my favorite Elder Scrolls game, let alone my favourite game. But what ended my doubts before ended them again, I love this game and I cannot wait to get back to it...
Thanks for reading