We are a group of players that are playing Fallout: 2238, we are playing online and if you want to join in on it, download the mod and post hiah, if you have Steam made by ValvE, please post your username here as it is our primary source of communication if we are split up..
Tips: Stick with groups from the forums.
if you see text or language in something you don't understand, run way immediataly.(If in world map encounter.)
Use F6 when you log in to see player names, it is move convenient to see who you are talking to.
Remember, A Cautious Player, is a living player.
This is NOT Interplays Fallout Online.
It is a fan made mod of Fallout 1/2.
Please do not discuss Interplays project.
Boradam- Howard: Small guns, Science, Repair (Crafter)
Mako Vlazkov- (Same as name) Small Guns, Outdoorsman, Repair (Sniper)
The Enclave- Alan Sutler: Energy Weapons, Science, First Aid (Doctor/Energy Weapons)
Forum nick: SavageBeatings
Character: Mordred
Skills: Small Guns, Sneak, Throwing (dunno why I took the two latter ones, but might come in handy)
Traits: Finesse and Small Frame
Deagonx - Deagonx, Small Guns, First Aid, Doctor (Doctor)
Billybob721 - Billybob: Small Guns, Sneak(?), Lockpick (Thief)
Colonel Martyr: Col. Martyr - Tag- Speech, Lockpick, Small Guns Traits- Good Natured (Smooth Talking Guy)
GabrielDan77- GabrielDan78: Tag- Big Guns, Repair, Outdoorsman - Traits: Bruiser, Skilled (Armorer)
To be Updated.
Goal Times: 3:00 PM (Central), 11:00 AM- Saturdays(EST), To be added
If you are new to the mod, please leave you're user name, and stats.
Faction Base (Group area): We now have an Outpost (The best base in the game,

There are some rules if you would like to join us inside the outpost though.
No stealing.
No killing Brahmin.
No killing players. (Us, at least.)
If you take equipment from the lockers, return them when you are finished using them unless they are given to you.
No bringing foreign players to the base. (Meaning anyone from outside the Forums.)
No entering anothers tent/house unless you have permission.
You must pay the group caps. (Meaning if you have 6k privately, you must given 4k, this is a group effort after all.)
If you break these rules, you will be given a trial (Huzzah, roleplay) and if you are found guilty we will have to kick you out of the base.
Roleplay Project: Soon we will start to roleplay (Actively, I would hope.) and before we do, there are some basic rules for it if you wish to join in.
1. No killing unless it matches the roleplays action or story.
2. Play your character's part.
3. Try to have fun.
4. No changing the story on the spot. (Changing how A. met B., and how 1. happened before 2.)
5. No OOC chat in regular text. (if you are going to do OOC type *example* and it will turn into **example**)
There are job's inside roleplay, such as: Caravan Guard, Armorer, Gunsmith, Scout, Hunter, and etc.
We will use caps inside the roleplay so there will be payment for the jobs. (Hurhu.)
RP Background: Howard was a wanderer for some time in the wasteland, he had scoured and scavenged through anything that looked to be standing, one day he ventured into a ruined libary, and found few books survived the waste's...
He took these books, studied them, and learned all the knowledge he could learn from them, eventually he set on to teach what he saw preached in the books, he set on to found a town. He wanted to rebuild society in a local area, one filled with people he knew and could relate to.
These people he had met over the years, some around the same time as others, while others were at different times. Eventually he got the group to seek a home, a new place, and this place was an abandonned farm; The crops were dead and withered, the farmhouse in ruin and the area was deserted... It was deemed a suitable place.
The group made Shacks, put up tents, replanted crops and rebuilt the house. They eventually built a wall to protect the city when wildlife started to near the area again, and eventually the outpost became a village; a town.
Now, the group is still going forward, struggling sometimes, and getting by easily at others.